On Sat, Dec 03, 2011 at 02:33:38PM +0000, luxInteg wrote:
> Greetings,
> I have never used ati/radeon graphic cards  on amd64 until now.  I have used 
> nvidia gpu's with the opensource nouveau driver. My baptism with 
> ati/radeon/amd64 is proving a little difficult hence thie email soliciting 
> help.
> The setup I current have  has these:-
> -motherboard  msi-760gsm-e51 with integrated radeon gpu
> -cpu: amd64 3cores
> -RAM 8 Gbytes.

 Google seems to be particularly obtuse when I search for that mobo.
Do you know which radeon chipset it contains ?  Perhaps the
following might be of help - http://en.gentoo-wiki.com/wiki/Radeon
and (maybe) http://xorg.freedesktop.org/wiki/radeon

> I have 2 Xwindow setups on the same machine
> a) an aging  one with xorg-7.5 used previously to run nouveau  -call this 
> b) a new virgin setup with xorg-7.6 -call this XORG2
> XORG1: Running startx;   the machine gives  a  very faint greenish screen  
> with /etc/X11/xorg.conf is edited for radeon.ati card  ( i.e. busID, card 
> identitier as "radeon" etc)
> But if /etc/X11/xorg.conf  is deleted   running   startx gives a brigt screen 
> limited to  1024x768 resolution. ( I have tested a range of mionitors and it 
> gives the same resolution every time ( the included-below Xorg.o.log
> shows all but 1024x768, 800x600 and 640x480 are disabled  irrespective of the 
> monitor attached.
 For 7.5, it's possible that this 'card' is not supported by your
radeon driver.

 Alternatively, something is preventing it running at the resolution
you desire.  I presume your monitor(s) can cope with the resolution
greater than 1024x768 that you apparently want to use ?

> XORG2: Running 'cd ~ && Xorg -configure'   for XORG2 fails. with a tiny entry 
> in /var/log/Xorg..0.log  If a test file   xorg.confTEST  file is created
> running  #X -retro -config ~/xorg.confTEST'  yields a grey  screen with a 
> series of vertical lines.  Although I have an .xinitrc file   with a line to 
> terminate X with ctrl_alt_backaspace,  this is ignored.  I have to reset the 
> machine.

 Similarly, your 7.6 driver might be too old (I don't know, because
I can't identify this hardware).  I think your best way forward is
to try the current ati driver on the 7.6 system, i.e.
xf86-video-ati-6.14.3.  You might have to update some protos etc
along the way.  Only update libdrm if the driver demands it.
Similarly, your version of xorg-server (1.9.3) is probably good

> If I run startx with the file as   /etc/X11/xorg.conf  nothing  happens.  
> There are two errors in 
>  the log file Xorg.0.log  below:-
> [   497.136] (WW) Open ACPI failed (/var/run/acpid.socket) (No such file or 
> directory)
> [   497.573] (WW) RADEON(0): Direct rendering disabled

 The first of those sounds a bit like a kernel problem (acpi is
*often* a problem), but its only a warning.  The second is
definitely not desirable, but still only a warning.  First, work on
getting the card working, then come back to Mesa - it sounds as if
your version of Mesa definitely doesn't support this version of the

 If you have doubts about versions, I happened to post the versions
in my current build on blfs-dev the other day (initially with
MesaLib-7.10.3, later with 7.11.2 which is very different) -
use 7.10 if you can, it's a lot easier in terms of dependencies.
> [   497.013] Kernel command line: BOOT_IMAGE=5-310nbf7 ro root=305
 What an odd name!  vmlinuz-v.w.x is more traditional.  Such an odd
name makes me wonder if you are doing anything else odd (as in
"running a vm"). but I'm sure you would have mentioned if you were.

 Oh, and running a current kernel is always a good idea,
particularly if you are using kms (and, with a radeon, that is
almost certainly the right thing to do).  Sorry I can't be more

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