On Mon, Jun 25, 2012 at 04:49:58AM +0100, Jeremy Henty wrote:
> CUPS refuses to  work on my latest  LFS system - any  attempt to print
> produces 'lp: Unsupported document-format  "text/plain".' .  This used
> to just work!
> The  CUPS server  log  gives no  explanation (not  even  at debug  log
> level).  Google turns up nothing useful.
> I am using CUPS 1.5.2 , Gutenprint 5.2.5 and Ghostscript 9.05 .
> How do I investigate this further?
> Regards,
> Jeremy Henty

 Debugging cups issues is always difficult.  FWIW, I've got 1.5.3,
5.2.7, 9.05 on my latest build.  Hadn't got around to testing it (so
many other issues :) but I've now successfully printed the test
page and a photo.

 My own builds of cups have become very different from what ended up
in the book (I think it was the change to 1.5 - I went one way, the
book went another), but this is how I'm configuring :

./configure \
 --enable-threads --enable-gnutls \

 followed by a straight make and make install.

 I'm not sure why I had to specify the pdftops location - it comes
from poppler.  Ah, yes, I remember : I build cups before gtk2 (so
that the print queues will be available to gtk2 applications), but
the rest of the printing stack, including poppler, is built much

 I'm using an epson usb printer, and I do *not* install libusb.

 You should perhaps also check that everything below /usr/lib/cups
is owned by root:root, and /var/spool/cups/ is owned by root:lp.

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