On 07/17/2012 10:45 PM, John Burrell wrote:
>> Have you ever tried using nouveau with Ubuntu? Did it have same behaviour?
> No, I've not messed around with Ubuntu at all. I don't think I have the 
> expertise to start playing around with it. I'd have to be held by the hand to 
> know how to use nouveau instead of nvidia.
> I could blacklist nvidia and add a 20-nouveau.conf to 
> /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d but I have no idea if that is what is required.
> I'm not keen to break the host with LFS in a bit of a precarious state - 
> uncharted waters for me. I'm a geophysicist, not a computer expert!
> jb.

you could post lsmod output from Ubuntu so someone could guide you to 
check if you have necesary kernel stuff on your LFS kernel. Laptops have 
been always complicated when it comes to Linux (well, newer ones).

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