> > okay lsmod.log from Ubuntu attached.
> Hm. I've never seen most of the stuff you have there. But from that, I
> see the laptop is Dell. Have you selected laptop extras like WMI and
> such in your kernel? Also, it would be nice for you to build udev from
> BLFS in order to get keymap feature, then you can try messing with
> multimedia keys (you still need wmi as kernel module or built in) and
> try graphics brightness stuff and so on.

When I boot into LFS, module wmi is loaded. It's the only one that is.

I've built udev from BLFS already.

So should I do startx and then try pressing different keys while it's cycling 
through the colors?
Any suggestions which keys sequences to try? The only one I've found to work so 
far is
Alt+sysRQ+b which reboots the machine - not a lot of use really.

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