> Date: Sun, 24 Mar 2013 21:23:44 +0000
> From: lf...@cruziero.com (akhiezer)
> To: BLFS Support List <blfs-support@linuxfromscratch.org>
> Subject: Re: [blfs-support] Autofs problem on LFS7.2
> > Date: Sun, 24 Mar 2013 15:43:08 -0400
> > From: "Cliff McDiarmid" <cliffhan...@gardener.com>
> > To: "akhiezer" <lf...@cruziero.com>,
> >         "BLFS Support List"
> >     <blfs-support@linuxfromscratch.org>
> > Subject: Re: [blfs-support] Autofs problem on LFS7.2
> >
> > > > > ----- Original Message -----
> > > > > From: lf...@cruziero.com
> > > > > Sent: 03/23/13 07:16 PM
> > > > > To: BLFS Support List
> > > > > Subject: Re: [blfs-support] Autofs problem on LFS7.2
> > > >
> > > > > Can you ensure you're running as root, for now at least, when trying 
> > > > > the 
> > > > > automount stuff; it's ok to do it from 'su - ...' in a shell; and 
> > > > > don't run it 
> > > > > via sudo, for now at least. This is to try to contain any permissions 
> > > > > issues that 
> > > > > might be causing fails when you try it as an ordinary user. See also 
> > > > > note below 
> > > > > about testing as root at console and outside of X/gui/DE.
> > > > > 
> > > > > 
> > > > > Kernel: is autofs compiled in or as a module:
> > > > $ grep -iEC1 'experimental|autofs' /boot/config*
> > > > --
> > > .
> > > .
> > > > # CONFIG_FUSE_FS is not set
> > > > $
> > > > > 
> > > > > 
> > > > > Modules: is autofs loaded:
> > > > $ lsmod | grep -i auto
> > > > None
> > > > $
> > > > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > OK: it's compiled into kernel and not as a module.
> > > If things _still_ don't work after stuff below, then an option may be to 
> > > compile 
> > > as a module: but I think we'd not need to go that route.
> > > 
> > > 
> > > > > 
> > > > > Misc supporting files: is it setup ok:
> > > > $ grep -i auto /proc/filesystems /etc/filesystems /etc/nsswitch.conf
> > > > /proc/filesystems:nodev autofs
> > > > grep: /etc/filesystems: No such file or directory
> > > > $
> > > > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > Just to check: you _do_ have an /etc/nsswitch.conf file, yes (the grep 
> > > above doesn't complain about it being missing)?
> >
> > > Can you, just for ref and dbl-chk, post the current /etc/nsswitch.conf 
> > > contents - 
> > > omit commented-out stuff and blank lines.
> >
> > $ # Begin /etc/nsswitch.conf
>       .
>       .
> > automount: files
> >
> > # End /etc/nsswitch.conf
> >
> > Had the file, but needed to add automount
> > $
> >
> > > > > 
> > > > > Logged error messages - just include the lines from the most recent 
> > > > > day's 
> > > > > testing:
> > > > $ grep -i auto /var/log/{debug,messages,syslog}
> > > > Mar 24 11:33:55 +00:00 cliffhanger  Starting automount:  OK 
> > > > (this was from boot.log, don't have the others, but checked kern.log, 
> > > > daemon.log and sys.log)
> > > > $
> > > > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > Can you stop/kill the currently-running automount process, and verify via 
> > > ps or 
> > > similar that there's no automount processes running, and then run 
> > > automount 
> > > manually and in debug mode at console via:
> > > 
> > > $ automount -v -f -d 
> >
> > $ Without '-d'
> > Starting automounter version 5.0.7, master map auto.master
> > using kernel protocol version 5.02
> > open_mount:244: parse(sun): cannot open mount module nfs 
> > (//lib/autofs/mount_nfs.so: undefined symbol: auth_put)
> > lookup(file): failed to open parse context
> > lookup(file): file map /etc/auto_master missing or not readable
> > no mounts in table
> >
> > Hangs at this point
> > $
> >
> > $ With '-d'
> > Starting automounter version 5.0.7, master map auto.master
> > using kernel protocol version 5.02
> > lookup_nss_read_master: reading master files auto.master
> > parse_init: parse(sun): init gathered global options: (null)
> > open_mount:244: parse(sun): cannot open mount module nfs 
> > (//lib/autofs/mount_nfs.so: undefined symbol: auth_put)
> > lookup(file): failed to open parse context
> > lookup_nss_read_master: auto.master not found, replacing '.' with '_'
> > lookup(file): file map /etc/auto_master missing or not readable
> > no mounts in table
> >
> > Hangs at this point
> > $
> When you say 'it hangs': normally it'll not go back to the shell command 
> prompt 
> but instead just sit waiting to output more diagnostics.
> What happens if you put in a usbstick and try to list its contents via 
> '\ls -laF /testautomount/sandisk' - do more diagnostic messages get printed? 
> If 
> so, can you post them here, please? Thanks. If it seems that nothing is 
> happening, 
> just wait for another minute or so.

Can you also run with specifying the master-map file explicitly:
$ automount -v -f -d /etc/auto.master

Also double-check permissions &c on /etc/auto.master & /etc/auto.testautomount 
they should be (perms, owner, group) = (0644, root, root)  .

Check that there's no unwanted leading spaces or other unwanted chars in the 
$ cat -A /etc/auto.master | grep -vE '^[[:space:]]*#'
$ cat -A /etc/auto.testautomount | grep -vE '^[[:space:]]*#'
Also ensure you've got a carriage-return/newline after each map entry: that's 
just to be on the safe side, and is a bit of a long-shot these days; but do it 
anyhow just in case - i.e don't have the last (visible) char in either of the 
map files, being the end of a map line (hit 'return' at the end of each map 

If still getting not-working, then try specifying more-explicitly the type of 
we're using: adjust /etc/auto.master so that it reads (without the '---' 
/testautomount      file,sun:/etc/auto.testautomount

> Can you post the output of:
> $ grep -E 'N(F|I)S' /boot/config
> $
> And:
> $ lsmod | grep -iE 'n(f|i)s'
> $
> Did you use the same compile/install instructions for autofs as in the blfs 
> book; 
> or adjust them at all? I guess you at least added the kernel config stuff for 
> AUTOFS4 . Did you install NFS: and if so any deviations from the book?

Also, do you have a file called '//lib/autofs/mount_nfs.so' (or 
'/lib/autofs/mount_nfs.so'), or is it in '/usr/lib/autofs/mount_nfs.so', or 

> > > > > 
> > > > > Autofs default config:
> > > > $ grep -vE '^[[:space:]]*(#|$)' /etc/sysconfig/autofs*
> > > > /etc/sysconfig/autofs:TIMEOUT=300
> > > > /etc/sysconfig/autofs:BROWSE_MODE="no"
> > > > /etc/sysconfig/autofs:USE_MISC_DEVICE="yes"
> > > > /etc/sysconfig/autofs.conf:automount=/sbin/automount
> > > > /etc/sysconfig/autofs.conf:localoptions=''
> > > > /etc/sysconfig/autofs.conf:daemonoptions='--timeout 60'
> > > > /etc/sysconfig/autofs.conf:piddir=/var/run
> > > > /etc/sysconfig/autofs.conf:pidroot=autofs
> > > > $
> > > > > 
> > > > > 
> > > > > If we need to delve into modules config, get some basic info:
> > > > $ find -P /etc -xdev \( -iname '*module*' -o -iname '*modprobe*' \) -ls
> > > > 826040    4 -rw-r--r--   1 root     root         1507 Jan 28 20:55 
> > > > /etc/pango/pango.modules
> > > > 826064    4 -rw-r--r--   1 root     root         1765 Jan 31 10:19 
> > > > /etc/gtk-2.0/gtk.immodules
> > > > 825876    4 -rw-r--r--   1 root     root          559 Dec 28 21:47 
> > > > /etc/sysconfig/modules
> > > > 825917    4 drwxr-xr-x   2 root     root         4096 Dec 29 20:18 
> > > > /etc/modprobe.d
> > > > 826046    4 drwxr-xr-x   2 root     root         4096 Feb  1 20:54 
> > > > /etc/pkcs11/modules
> > > > 826085    4 -rw-r--r--   1 root     root          293 Feb  1 20:54 
> > > > /etc/pkcs11/modules/gnome-keyring.module
> > > > 825879    0 lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     root           17 Dec 28 21:47 
> > > > /etc/rc.d/rcS.d/S05modules../init.d/modules
> > > > 825861    4 -rwxr-xr--   1 root     root         2160 Dec 28 21:47 
> > > > /etc/rc.d/init.d/modules
> > > > $
> > > > > 
> > > > > 
> > > > > Misc environment:
> > > > > --
> > > > > * fstab: already covered, so OK here for now.
> > > > > * hal: already said you're not running it.
> > > > > * udev: is udev running?
> > > > YES
> > > >
> > > > > * gui/de: are you testing automount from within a gnome session, or 
> > > > > kde, or 
> > > > >  what: what, if any, desktop environment are you using?
> > > > From Command prompt, have no gui at present.
> > > >
> > > > > * ldap: are you running/using it on the machine?
> > > > No
> > > > > * selinux: are you running it?
> > > > No
> > > >
> > > > > * have you tried automount stuff when logged in at console directly 
> > > > > as root, 
> > > > >  without any layers of 'su -' or 'sudo' or similar, and not running 
> > > > > any 
> > > > >  X/gui/DE ?
> > > > Almost always as root
> I've tried to 'break' automount here in various ways: but it's still OK when 
> running alongside udev or hal or under kde/twm, and combinations thereof.
> > > >
> > > > > (( Btw, in case you're - reasonably - wondering at what point to 
> > > > > 'cut' this attempt 
> > > > > at autofs: if it's no-go just now, an option is to back-burner it for 
> > > > > a month or 
> > > > > so (at least wrt detailed-debug input from this end - obv you can 
> > > > > test things 
> > > > > yrself as/when you want) pending a blfs-7.2-based build at this end 
> > > > > on some new 
> > > > > machines (as part of their burn-in testing) and I could do a quick 
> > > > > by-the-book 
> > > > > lfs/blfs build (they're fast machines) to try to replicate more 
> > > > > exactly your 
> > > > > environment - recall that here am running slightly bsd-ish lfs-based 
> > > > > systems (as 
> > > > > well as bsd-ish Slackware and, er, the bsd-ish OpenBSD).
> > > >
> > > > I am just grateful to get this sorted, it has never worked on four LFS 
> > > > builds as mentioned.
> > > > Will only ever be using at the command prompt, as I understand 
> > > > KDE(future gui)uses udisk for automounting?
> > > >
> > > > MAC 
> > > >
> > > 
> > > 
> > > Have left the above chunk of notes in-place in case we need to go onto 
> > > that.
> >
> > thanks
> >
> > MAC
> >

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