On 07/19/2013 10:47 AM, Niels Terp wrote:


I have now installed RPM, and it seems to work. But when I tried to install Webmin from a RPM, I got errors like "Webmin .. needs /bin/sh"

I found a very nice script (in the Linux Cookbook) to find things that has been compiled from source, and include them in a emty RPM, which can then be installed -- then you should have everything in RPM. But even this I can't install, because of the same dependency.

Does anyone know a shortcut to include all the "normal" linux commands in the RPM database, or do I have to build LFS with RPM-support from the beginning ?

The reason why I want RPM is, that I have not been able to build the Google Chrome browser from source, while on my host system (Suse) it is a matter of downloading and installing a RPM. So in case it is not possible to get RPM to work on a finished system, I could certainly need some advice on building Chrome from source !


You are getting that error because the rpm database is clean, it has nothing in it. You just can not install rpm onto a system and think it will work. It knows nothing of what is already installed.

I build lfs using rpm, you will have to create all the spec files from scratch.

The process is like this
build the "tools"  chapter 5 from the book
build rpm into /tools/
build chapter 6 using rpmbuild with your created spec files
build rpm depends and then rpm placed into /usr
Now you are good to go, if rpm complains about dependencies the you have to build them with rpm and install them.

I  have done this very thing goto https://github.com/baho-utot

I may be moving to FreeBSD and leaving the linux world soon so my github repos may/will be unmaintained in the future or they may just go bye bye.


I think LFS/BLFS should have some type of package manager to make it usable in something other than hobby use. I created LFS-RPM and BLFS-RPM for two reasons,

One I wanted a small system build with just what is needed.

Two a package manager so I can install the system onto many machines server/desktop without doing it by hand every time and the dependenices taken care of without me having to be careful of that.

A package manager also allows me to downgrade a package by installing a previous version if the new version causes trouble. If I didn't have a package manager I would be in for a lot of work just to get back top a working system. I may even have to build the system all over from scratch, just to downgrade a package.

I know that LFS is for teaching but completely leaves out teaching about package managers. Everyone needs to build his/her LFS system by him/her self so nothing gets shared except for the instructions that goes into the book. Every has to develop his/hers scripts to build their system. So one can not take something and build upon it ( like a community effort ). You can clone my repo for both LFS and BLFS and use that for a starting point.

Why FreeBSD?
FreeBSD gives me a base system in which I can then compile what I need on the system using ports. All the packages just build including the dependencies. Just cd /usr/ports/wget;make install clean and it's done. With a simple script I am then able to create/clone systems at will. I can install the base FreeBSD, run the desktop script, done without a bunch of cruft.

No pulse audio
No systemd
No cgroups
mount works like it is supose to
KDE3 works
UNIX principals
Don't have to figure out have is needed in the kernel, just build the module I need and load it at bootup, no rebuilding the kernel Over 2,400 packages ready for building all without me having to create anything at all

Linux is moving toward becoming like ms windows ie an open source windows.
It has moved away from the UNIX principals, ie building tools that do one thing well and having the admin use those tools to get the kind of system he wants.

There is also too many things put into linux that I just don't need or want.

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