> From: Magnus Larsson <k.magnus.lars...@tele2.se>
> To: BLFS Support List <blfs-support@linuxfromscratch.org>
> Date: Mon, 06 Jan 2014 20:26:27 +0100
> Subject: [blfs-support] No latex command? texlive-20130530
> Dear BLFS Support List 
> No latex command? texlive-20130530
> I tried a local install inspired by: 
> http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/blfs/view/svn/pst/texlive.html
> I did not use the Texlive installer. Instead I downloaded the source tarball 
> ftp://tug.org/texlive/historic/2013/texlive-20130530-source.tar.xz[1]
> ./configure --prefix=/home/magnus/opt/texlive                  \
>             --disable-native-texlive-build \
>             --enable-build-in-source-tree  \
>             --without-luatex               \
>             --enable-mktextex-default      \
>             --with-banner-add=" - BLFS" 
> make -j8

Sanity check: did you try fall-back to '-j1'  ? Sometimes you get 
~'race conditions' or similar (for just one class of issues) with more than 
one job going on at the same time.

> make install

Did Bruce's presumably-working-ok install follow blfs-7.4 page's cmmi section,  
or the texlive-installer section; and was there any deviations from the book 
page - esp re prefix=/usr ? I'm part-wondering if your (Magnus's) 'unusual' 
prefix value would require some further variables set, as (of course) not all 
pkgs auto-adjust properly to 'non-standard' values.

> I get a working tex in /home/magnus/opt/texlive/bin:
> magnus@lfs ~> tex
> This is TeX, Version 3.1415926 (TeX Live 2013 - BLFS)
> Question(s):
> Why did I not get a latex command in /home/magnus/opt/texlive/bin?
> Is the interactive texlive installer the only option? (and the source tarball 
> is only a 
> subset). The blfs build instruction starts with the texlive installer and the 
> source install 
> comes later. Is the texlive installer a mandatory step?
> Do I have to install Latex (scripts) separately? How?
> Am I missing a prerequisite package? ./configure did not complain. 
> I have the following optional dependencies: ghostscript, Poppler, FreeType, 
> Fontconfig, libpng, X Window System, ICU, Lua installed. 
> I do not have GD, t1lib, ZZIPlib, CLISP,  TECkit, and Graphite.

A lot of online resources re texlive help, seem to be quite specific to how 
distros both re-package texlive &c and install via package-manager. So e.g. 
some 'solutions' are to 'install latex-bin', or 'install texlive-binaries', 
and so on; am not sure if those would apply to the from-source cmmi approach. 

> Am I missing configuration date, ie TEXMFMAIN, TEXMFHOME, etc?
> Probably since I get:
> magnus@lfs ~/test/tex> tex test.tex
>       This is TeX, Version 3.1415926 (TeX Live 2013 - BLFS)
>       kpathsea: Running mktexfmt tex.fmt
>       /home/magnus/opt/texlive/bin/mktexfmt: line 395: 
> /home/magnus/opt/texmf-               dist/texconfig/tcfmgr: No such file or 
> directory
>       fmtutil: config file `fmtutil.cnf' not found.
>       I can't find the format file `tex.fmt'!
> tcfmgr script was installed in: 
> /home/magnus/opt/texlive/share/texmf-dist/texconfig.

For this part, the discussion at 
'http://crux.nu/bugs/index.php?do=details&task_id=877' might be of use in 
orienting a bit, esp the seq of comments at the foot of the page.
(Cf. also 'http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=665644' ). Are 
you able to run 'tlmgr' (you might need to input the full path) and have a 
look around and see if anything obv jumps out?


(( p.s. in passing, saw:
"TeXLive - no latex binary after installation [closed]"
"closed as too localized by percusse, egreg, Marco Daniel, Paul Gaborit, 
 cgnieder Sep 16 '12 at 15:43

This question is unlikely to help any future visitors; it is only relevant to 
a small geographic area, a specific moment in time, or an extraordinarily 
narrow situation that is not generally applicable to the worldwide audience of 
the internet. For help making this question more broadly applicable, visit the 
help center.

If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please 
edit the question."



> Best regards,
> Magnus Larsson 

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