Following BLFS-7.6 book to install a somewhat more recent version, 24.24
--> 24.25.  I find it installs fine with --prefix=/usr, but without or
with --prefix=/usr/local it can't find its own shared libraries during
"make install".  /etc/ has /usr/local/lib, of course, and
ldconf was run at the conclusion of installing prerequisite libraries.
Since the BLFS book diddles three of the upstream Makefiles, although it
doesn't appear to me those would cause this symptom of a configuration
flaw, I hesitate to report it upstream without consultation here.

(Regarding the /usr/local "debate", my rule of thumb is LFS is the base
"distro" so I prefer to let the BLFS, etc., install in /usr/local.  I'm
not strict about that, but leaving gtk+ in /usr while its dependencies
are in /usr/local is a bit "untidy".)
Paul Rogers
Rogers' Second Law: "Everything you do communicates."
(I do not personally endorse any additions after this line. TANSTAAFL :-)


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