On Wed, Apr 29, 2015 at 08:08:24PM -0400, William K Helbig Jr wrote:
> Yes, there are two video controllers, the Kaveri APU and the Oland XT,
> together requiring 16 pieces of microcode.
That probably explains why it takes so long.
> My remark re the Penguins was meant more to report what the system was (not)
> doing when the firmware was loaded as modules instead of being built into
> the kernel. My main concern was/is why the different results between modules
> and built-ins, particularly Ken has suggested that maybe it has to do with
> loading order and/or timing of events and that seems a reasonable guess.
> And speaking of the Penguins, on my system they do not scroll off the top of
> the screen. Even after logging in, they stay around until something actually
> clears the entire screen. While they are present I have a 60 line by 210
> character display area in which text scrolls. I presume that is a function
> of the framebuffer driver.
> Skip H
On all of my machines, the penguins always disappear a little while
after the console is set up, and certainly before the boot has
completed (but I do have a bit of BLFS in my minimal builds -
rpcbind, nfs-client, ntpd, postfix, fcron all add bootscripts).
With systemd, perhaps the penguins staying in place is normal.

What I might be doing differently to you is that I set up the
console font.  My machines all default to 8x16.  On some I use my
own 8x16 font to get better coverage, on others I use my own 12x22
font.  I don't think I could handle trying to read 60x210, let alone
whatever your full screen gives you.  At times in the past I have
used video= on the kernel command line, e.g. video=1024x768 or
video=800x600 when the screen is actually 1600x1200.

I also set a keymap, which probably doesn't affect things, and
enable unicode which, in the sysv build, causes some kbd commands to
be run on each tty (the S70console script in rcS.d).

Nanny Ogg usually went to bed early. After all, she was an old lady.
Sometimes she went to bed as early as 6 a.m.
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