On Tue, Dec 15, 2020 at 12:07:42AM +0000, James Read via blfs-support wrote:
> On Mon, Dec 14, 2020 at 11:48 PM Douglas R. Reno via blfs-support <
> blfs-support@lists.linuxfromscratch.org> wrote:
> >
> > On 12/14/20 5:36 PM, James Read via blfs-support wrote:
> > > I installed the gpm mouse server and ran /etc/rc.d/rc3.d/S70gpm start
> > > and got the output
> > >
> > >    *   Starting GPM console mouse service
> > >
> > > However, no mouse pointer appears in my terminals and the mouse
> > > doesn't seem to be working. Any ideas?
> > >
> > > James Read
> > >
> > Hi James,
> >
> > What are the contents of your "/etc/sysconfig/mouse" file?
> >
> At first I used the example values in the book:
> That didn't work
> >
> > You can try running mouse-test to find out what mouse type your mouse is
> > presenting itself as, as well as what the device node is.
> >
> >
> I tried running mouse-test and it suggested /dev/autofs

That sounds bizarre (although I admit I have not run that program
for many years).

> I updated /etc/sysconfig/mouse accordingly and still no joy.
> I know my usb mouse is connected because I installed and ran lsusb.py and
> it shows my mouse there but no /dev/? file.
> Any other way I can figure out what device my mouse is on?

usually do the job.  Since you know it is a usb mouse I would have
suggested that maybe one of the usb driver modules was disabled (or
alternatively set to 'M' but for some reason not automatically
loaded.  But if that lsusb script shows it then presumably the
driver is loaded.

But I'm slightly dubious about lsusb.py: on the laptop where I'm
writing this, the trackpad is busted and I've got a usb trackpad
plugged in - that shows as a keyboard in lsusb.py.

Lemme point to the kernel docs (for 5.8, since I think that is what
you said you are running):


and pasting from there -

For the most usual configuration, with one USB mouse and one USB
keyboard, you’ll have to load the following modules (or have them
built in to the kernel):

uhci_hcd or ohci_hcd or ehci_hcd

After this, the USB keyboard will work straight away, and the USB
mouse will be available as a character device on major 13, minor 63:

crw-r--r--   1 root     root      13,  63 Mar 28 22:45 mice


After that you have to point GPM (the textmode mouse cut&paste tool)
and XFree to this device to use it - GPM should be called like:

gpm -t ps2 -m /dev/input/mice

For sysv lfs, those options belong in /etc/sysconfig/mouse:


And in X:

Section "Pointer"
    Protocol    "ImPS/2"
    Device      "/dev/input/mice"
    ZAxisMapping 4 5

I'm not sure that last part is true - on this laptop the only
matches for Pointer in xorg are:

en@terror ~ $grep Pointer /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/*
/usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/10-quirks.conf:        Identifier "Xen Virtual 
Pointer axis blacklist"
/usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/10-quirks.conf:        MatchProduct "Xen Virtual 
/usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/40-libinput.conf:        MatchIsPointer "on"

and I think that the file installed by libinput handles it all.

To say that it (his hair) was black and bound up in a ponytail is to
miss the opportunity of using the term 'elephantine'. It was hair
with personality.  -- The Thief Of Time (about the monk, Sato).
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