
I'm sorry that I didn't make it clear in my first message.  On the 2 drives 
I mentioned, both have the software built into the unit itself.  It's pretty 
much "plug and play".  After the drive is connected and Windows recognizes 
it as drive under "My Computer", just  follow the instructions that the 
software provides.  It is JAWS accessible and there is no need to make any 
kind of setting adjustments to the JAWS program.

Hope this helps,


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Gerald Levy" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, April 29, 2009 12:54 PM
Subject: Re: [Blind-Computing] Fw: External Hard Drive

Okay, another dumb question.  If the drive works just by plugging it into a
USB port, how come they all come with software?  Every external drive I
checked comes with some kind of software already builtin and/or on a CD.  If
that's the case, how do you know whether this software will be JAWS
accessible before you buy?  Or is installing this software optional? It
seems to me that even though Windows will recognize the drive when it gets
plugged in, you would still need the software for the drive to work

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Rogelio Terrazas" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, April 29, 2009 3:33 PM
Subject: Re: [Blind-Computing] Fw: External Hard Drive

>I know the one I ordered.  I was told that I get plug into my USB and I am
>good to go.
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Gerald Levy" <>
> To: <>
> Sent: Wednesday, April 29, 2009 1:15 PM
> Subject: Re: [Blind-Computing] Fw: External Hard Drive
>> Excuse my ignorance on this subject, but can these external hard drives
>> be installed and used without sighted assistance?  Are they good to go
>> right out of the box or do they require special software which may not be
>> JAWS accessible?  Do they just plug into a USB port or must they also be
>> plugged into an AC outlet?
>> Gerald
>> ----- Original Message ----- 
>> From: "Shannon Burke" <>
>> To: <>
>> Sent: Wednesday, April 29, 2009 1:43 PM
>> Subject: Re: [Blind-Computing] Fw: External Hard Drive
>>> Hi George,
>>> The world of hard drives is growing daily and there are many choices to
>>> think about.
>>> I've spoken to many knowledgeable people in this field and the general
>>> consensus is that Western Digital and Seagate are the best.  Their
>>> reasoning
>>> was that they were better constructed, ran cooler, and had been in the
>>> business many years.
>>> Seagate by far has the best warranty in the business with 5yrs.
>>> Remember,
>>> as in all warranties, it only covers the cost to replace the unit,  not
>>> the
>>> information stored on it.  So, if you have lots of important files,
>>> music,
>>> and photos they are on their way to cyber heaven.
>>> Personally, I have 1 Western Digital Drives and 1 Seagate.  I prefer the
>>> Seagate.  One Western Digital drive (160gb) I use for Norton Ghost
>>> exclusively.  Norton Ghost is a program that takes a mirror image of
>>> your
>>> hard drive on a scheduled basis.  If your internal hard drive fails, all
>>> one
>>> would have to do is run Ghost to the new drive.
>>> My second drive is a Seagate which is a 1 Terabyte which is also 1000
>>> GB. I
>>> use this one for music and books of which I have a sizeable collection
>>> What shocked me was how small the Seagate drive is even though it's
>>> storage
>>> capacity is huge.  It's only little over an inch thick and 7 inches by 7
>>> inches. It can be stood on end and comes with a stand or you can lay it
>>> flat. If you choose to stand it on end, it takes up very little desk
>>> spance.
>>> I had a Western Digital 320GB and this Seagate is so much smaller at 3
>>> tiimes the memory.
>>> The Seagate comes with a great manager that is part of the set up
>>> process
>>> when you USB plug it in.  I don't remember what format it comes in but
>>> there
>>> are two, NTFS and FAT32.  In most cases you'll want to format in NTFS.
>>> If
>>> you format in FAT 32 it limits your file size to 4GB.  This may not make
>>> a
>>> difference to you but if you are a gamer it may.  You can have the
>>> Seagate
>>> Manager set up to a prescheduled time to copy files and even encrypt
>>> them.
>>> One unique feature is that you can schedule a time for your Seagate to
>>> "hibernate" just like your computer.  I have mine set for 30 minutes.
>>> Because the discs in the drive aren't spinning, the drive stays cool.
>>> Maybe
>>> that's one of the reasons Seagate has a 5 year warranty.
>>> In the last year,  the prices on external hard drives have really fallen
>>> as
>>> many members here have mentioned.  Because of this get as much capacity
>>> as
>>> your dollar will allow because you will be surprised how quickly it will
>>> get
>>> filled and you may find that you want to kick yourself for not getting
>>> more
>>> capacity.  I recently saw a 1 Terabyte Seagate for $100, now that's
>>> unbelievble
>>> Of course, always Goolge to see the huge offerings by so many.  There is
>>> a
>>> great place that I visit weekly called Sales, which posts
>>> tables
>>> of different items on sale in the newspaper from all kinds of stores.
>>> Just
>>> go to and click on your state.  You can then examine
>>> all
>>> the different categories and select the one that interests you.  Then,
>>> just
>>> comparison shop.
>>> One last thing,  when your current hard drive starts to get near full
>>> capacity,  go out and buy a larger one and transfer all the current
>>> stored
>>> files to this new drive.  Then take your now old drive and store it in
>>> your
>>> closet.  Remember, there is no warranty on those priceless files that
>>> you
>>> have saved over the years and no way to replace them if they are lost.
>>> So,
>>> put the old drive in you closet and you will always have a back up.
>>> I'm not an expert.  I just wanted to share what I have learned.
>>> Shannon Burle
>>> -- Original Message ----- 
>>> From: "George Marshall" <>
>>> To: <>
>>> Sent: Wednesday, April 29, 2009 08:02 AM
>>> Subject: Re: [Blind-Computing] Fw: External Hard Drive
>>> Hi:
>>> The HP mybook 500gb I bought is formatted fat32 and I didn't install the
>>> software that came with it. It was plug and play and you just copy and
>>> paste
>>> from your C drive.
>>> HTH,
>>> George R. Marshall
>>> ----- Original Message ----- 
>>> From: <>
>>> To: <>
>>> Sent: Tuesday, April 28, 2009 1:29 PM
>>> Subject: [Blind-Computing] Fw: External Hard Drive
>>>> Hi Rogelio,
>>>> I just bought a Western Digital Elements external hard drive from the
>>>> walmart website for about the same price with about 640 GB. It all
>>>> depends how much you are going to put on it.
>>>> It has an USB cable and AC adapter. I haven't put it together yet, but
>>>> I
>>>> soon will.
>>>> The only two things I wonder about is that there doesn't seem to be an
>>>> on/off switch on it, and it came pre formatted but doesn't say what the
>>>> format is.
>>>> I guess I'll have to connect it to find out the format.
>>>> Also, the instructions that came with it in the box aren't in English.
>>>> :)
>>>> Thanks to the list for the discussion about the Windows Backup utility.
>>>> I
>>>> didn't know that it existed until I read about it on here.
>>>> I now have it downloaded an installed.
>>>> AC
>>>> --------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>> From: "Rick Justice" <>
>>>> To: <>
>>>> Date: Mon, 27 Apr 2009 20:42:53 -0400
>>>> Subject: Re: [Blind-Computing] External Hard Drive
>>>> Message-ID: <4d8e893d03cd47d8bb34e8300397d...@rick>
>>>> References: <7861d055092c4f9cb0fdbf52e3030...@rogelio>
>>>> Hi Rogelio,
>>>> The 160gb that you refer to is not memorey,
>>>> instead it is hard drive storage capacity, there is a big difference.
>>>> Yes, the price you paid isn't bad for that amount of storage.
>>>> ----- Original Message ----- 
>>>> From: "Rogelio Terrazas" <>
>>>> To: <>
>>>> Sent: Monday, April 27, 2009 8:21 PM
>>>> Subject: [Blind-Computing] External Hard Drive
>>>> HTH,Richard Q. Justice-website owner
>>>> I just purchased an external hard drive with 160 GB of memory.  I paid
>>>> $79.00 for it .  Is that a good price?
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