
  I know that I included ocr software and a scanner in my original
post but figured I'd make this a separate one, since we might get into
detail.  I can't seem to find out which was the last version of
Omnipage to work with DOS.  All of my Google searches come up empty.
The only sure thing I've been able to learn is that 3.0 works with it
but I'm pretty sure they continued supporting DOS at least a little
while after that.  Do you think Nuance could tell me?  If I don't use
that program then I need another mainstream recommendation, since the
adaptive ones seem to have fallen off the face of the Earth.

  The amount of scanners out there is huge and trying to sort through
all of them is time-consuming, not to mention almost impossible.  So
can someone please recommend a high quality DOS-compatible flatbed
scanner?  Please tell me what type of interface it uses if you know.
Also, will I need any kind of special card or adapter to plug it into
the computer or does it use a standard port/slot?


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