The same can be found at:
I wrote it about 3 years ago.
Rick Justice
----- Original Message ----- From: "Matt" <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, July 26, 2010 2:51 PM
Subject: Re: [Blind-Computing] burning CD's using windows media player

I have this old instruction from a friend, hope it helps.
This is how I do it.
Burning an Audio CD with Windows Media Player 10 and XP

1. Create a temporary folder, and name it something like, files to burn. This folder can be created in My Documents, or wherever you want to have it.

2. Now, select a group of files that you want to make into an audio cd, and copy them to the folder you just created.

3. Once copying is complete, close the folder, and highlight it, then press alt + enter to open the properties of that folder.

4. When the properties dialogue opens, route Jaws to Pc, and then start reading upward one line at a time. You should come to the point where the size

of the folder is given.

5. If the size of the folder is less than 650mb, you may add files up to that number. If the size is larger than 650mb, you will need to remove some files

until the size is 650mb, or a little less.

Note: While it is possible to burn a slightly larger compilation than 650mb, I wouldn't recommend doing this with Media Player, since it is not as advanced

as other burning software.

6. Once you have achieved the proper size, it is time to start the burn process. Close the properties of the folder, and then open the folder.

7. Press control + A, to select all files in the folder, and copy them to the clipboard.

8. Now, go to My Computer, and select your cd burner, and press enter to open it.

9. When the burner opens, Jaws will say, list view, zero items. Paste your files here, and wait for the copying to finish.

10. When copying has finished, place a CDR disk in the drive, and close the drawer. If a dialogue pops up, and prompts you to choose an action,tab to the

cancel button and press the spacebar.

11. Focus should be returned to the cd drive, if not, then alt tab, until you return to the cd drive.

12. Now, open the file menu, and arrow to, write these files to cd, and press enter. This will open the cd writing wizard.

13. Here you have an oppourtunity to name your cd, so do so. After you have typed a name for the cd, tab once.

14. You will land on a checkbox, which should read, close the wizard after the files have been written, if this is not checked press the spacebar to check


15. Tab to the next button, and press the spacebar. In this dialogue, you will be presented with 2 radio buttons, and the first one should be checked.

Make an audio cd for standard cd players.

16. Tab to the next button, and press the spacebar, here's where the fun begins.

17. Windows Media Player should now be open, and you will be asked if you wish to search for files. Tab to the no button, and press the spacebar.

18. Tab until you come to the, burn button, and press the spacebar.

19. Tab again until you come to the, start burn button, and press the spacebar. This will start the burn process.

20. When burning is complete, the cd will be ejected, then just close the drawer.

21. Return to the cd drive in, my computer, and press enter to open it, then you will see the files there that were burned to the cd. Open the file menu,

and select delete temporary files, and press enter. You will get a confirmation dialogue, so just press the spacebar on the, yes, button.

You are done.

Note: If you want to burn another cd with the same files, repeat steps 12 thru 19 outlined above. ----- Original Message ----- From: ROSEMARIE CHAVARRIA
 Sent: Monday, July 26, 2010 1:42 PM
 Subject: [Blind-Computing] burning CD's using windows media player

 Hi, everyone,

I've been making CD's for a friend in Maine but not using the computer. I have a stereo with a CD recorder but there are some songs I can't do for my friends because I don't have the capability of copying from one CD to another. I can only copy from a vinyl album or a cassette. How do I burn a CD using windows media player?

 Any help will be very much appreciated.

 Many thanks in advance.

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