Hello there
It is wonderful to share this list with you
I can help you with plain text format
first, control shift o for the options menu
then control tab to the read page
now tab through this to plain text
it is a check box so use the space bar
Good luck
Happy new year to you

Keep Smiling,
Janie Degenshein

Access Tech Consultant
Facilitator of ECHO
Co-host of OTBS On The Bright Side
-----Original Message----- From: Niamh
Sent: Saturday, January 01, 2011 8:31 AM
To: blind-computing@jaws-users.com
Subject: [Blind-Computing] Web page to plain tex help please

Firstly, happy new year and heart felt thanks to you all for your help, discovering this site genuinely changed my life last year, I no longer feel alone and such a fool. What I needed was some help with copying a webpage and then reading it in a plain text format. I use Jaws 11 and have 12 available but would prefer to use 11 right now, any thoughts most appreciated.
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