I should add I did check Device Manager and it says it is there and operational. Its just not showing up in that "Sound" applet. Microsoft might benefit from the saying "Don't make permanent problems out of temporary situations", or at least let me know I wil if I choose a disable option :).


On 7/21/2011  10:23 AM Brad Dunse' said...

Stil figuring out Win7 a bit here. I wanted to disable a playback option in Win 7's "Sound" applet in Control Panel because I believe I inadvertently picked it for NVDA to use, which is now silent because I'm not sure that integrated sound device is really turned on. So rather than that happening again, I went into Sound, to the Playback tab, and disabled the ATI option there. Much to my surprise it just disappeared from the list rather than hang around as a disabled option. Any clue how to get this back on the playback listing without doing a system restore? I don't use it but this is a new machine and I don't know if I'd want to or not and would like the option in the future.


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Brad Dunse

  "Write like you mean it and sing like nobody's watching" --Ben Wakeman




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