I googled "product key" registry windows/7

I got quite a few results.

Here's an "about.com" article that pretty well explains it.

Bottom line, it's not as easy to get as it used to be, but it's there.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Bob W" <rwile...@satx.rr.com>
To: <blind-computing@jaws-users.com>
Sent: Friday, November 11, 2011 4:05 AM
Subject: Re: [Blind-Computing] windows 7 product key

Firstly, you write what I consider to be a good email: it is funny (in a sad
sort of way) it gives all the necessary facts.

However, I really don't have a solution for you. It sounds like the restore
disk was faulty, but that's probably just wishful thinking on my part.

I'm pretty sure the window key is stored somewhere in the registry, but a)
it's probably useless by this point, and b) I don't remember where the key
is stored. Perhaps google could help.

Best wishes and heart felt sympathies,
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Kimsan" <kimsans...@aol.com>
To: "blind computing" <blind-computing@jaws-users.com>
Sent: Thursday, November 10, 2011 8:08 PM
Subject: [Blind-Computing] windows 7 product key


I have a long email to write and I hope someone can help. If it helps, get
your beer, smoke or tea and activate the say all command and sit back and
chill while I type this lol.

First off, I have an hp machine running windows seven pro 64 bit, which was
a Christmas gift fror me last year.

A few weekes ago, I was going to do some work on my laptop from scratch,
which involved me setting it back to factory defaults.

While it was going through the motions of setting it back to factory
defaults, a message came up and said it was unable to boot.

I turned it off completely and when I turned it back on, it said boot
manager device missing/opporating system missing. I was like huh?  Thinking
to myself, don't tell me that is what I think it means. I called hp,
explained to them what I wrote above, they told me that I needed a windows 7
pro recovery cd, so I paid for it, they sent the cd, I ran it, supposedly it
would've worked right? Well it didn't.

My jaws, window eyes, NVDA, dam near every sound coming out of my comp was
very choppy and could barely be understood. I tried navigating the best I
could, opening up programs here and there to see what else was up with the
comp after the install and by golly everything was taking 44 for evers to

I ran the recovery cd again and after that everything was back to normal,
screen readers working fine, nothing was taking 44 for evers to load but.,
in the CTRL panel, it told me I had three days to enter in a product key,
which after running the recovery cd, wouldn't the key had been installed?

I waited three days, to see what would happen, so after three days, it said
I have 30 days to activate windows. Huh?

So, I called hp, gave them the shpeel, they did some trouble shooting stuff
with me and in the end, they said, since your laptop is out of worentee
status, we cannot service your laptop without a fee of anywhere to 200-300

I told them, all I need is a key to activate windows, but sir, we do not
have any of that information on file, but you can find that information on
the bottom of your laptop, which I told them, no, the characters you are
asking me to read off to you are warn out and not one person can make out
what it is.

Hp also instructed to me to call Microsoft and ask for a key seeing as
windows seven is their product and they should be able to give you the key.
Of course, I already knew what the answer was going to be before calling
Microsoft, but what the hell, I called anyways. Low and behold, they told me
what I thought.

Sir, hp is responcible for providing you with a replacement key seeing as
windows 7 pro came preinstalled on the laptop when it was purchased.

I called hp back, told them the situation and did some more standard trouble
shooting stuff and in the end, she stated, we cannot give you a key and you
will need to purchase windows 7 pro again, which we have a  promotion for
right now!

So, seeing as I have no money to purchase win pro or to send it to hp for
repair, what is a good way to get my windows 7 pro key? I ran bilark adviser
and the majic jelly bean finder and they produced the same key, I entered it
in and it gave me an error, pretty much invalid key.

When I went into the bios to verify the s/n for my comp, it said, serial
number: UID: and a bunch of zeros, so what is up with that? What does all
the zeros mean and why after running the recovery cd, twice, the key did not
get installed? Hp said, there could be something wrong with my mother board.

If someone can help me figure out how to obtain my windows 7 pro key that
would be great, besides paying for one because lol, I am broke.

Thanks for listening.

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