
Whoever you have as your internet provider could most likely offer you an e-mail account too. But, there is a link when you go to Accounts that offers you Hotmail and a couple others inside of Windows Live Mail. Since WLM is accessible, then this account should also be accessible since the mail will show up in the WLM software. The only drawback is that you do have to be a little more careful about who is sending out the mail, your main account or your secondary because you can arrow between the two. I personally like having two accounts because if one company is down for some reason, you can still get an e-mail out. If you only have Gmail or any company and they get struck by lightning or anything, you are out of luck to e-mail at all. I don't seem to get anymore junk mail with one company or the other. Just be aware if who you sign up with says Joe's mail by google, it's still a gmail account. If you need help, you can write me offlist and I'll do the best I can.


-----Original Message----- From: susan
Sent: Thursday, March 08, 2012 1:40 PM
Subject: Re: [Blind-Computing] strange problem with a shopping site

That thought has crossed my mind and it might be the only way to resolve
this. Would a Windows Live ID work well for this kind of thing? I had
considered adding one when I installed Windows Live, but I was afraid of
being flooded with spam and was not sure about staying with Windows Live at
the timde, having just begun using it after upgrading to a Windows 7 system.
When I first started with Windows I was using Outlook Express with a Comcast
email and had lots of problems with mail not arriving but as far as I know
this is the only problem I've had with my gmail account in my four years or
so of use. Of course, It's not as though I'd ever know for sure what other
mail was disappearing into cyberspace, would I? Anyway, I'd appreciate any
advice on setting up a Windows Live id or alternative free email account.


-----Original Message----- From: dgcnc
Sent: Thursday, March 08, 2012 1:10 PM
Subject: Re: [Blind-Computing] strange problem with a shopping site


Do you have an e-mail account that is not Gmail? I have seen this with
regular e-mails where someone would try to e-mail me to a gmail account and
I'd never get it. Had them use a different account and I got the same
message fine. I don't know but think it is somehow in the filtering that
gmail does.


-----Original Message----- From: susan
Sent: Thursday, March 08, 2012 12:46 PM
Subject: [Blind-Computing] strange problem with a shopping site

Hi listers,
I am having a frustrating problem when ordering items from Today I placed an order for an electronic cookbook. The
site offers email delivery as one of the shipping options and I have no
difficulty completing the order and immediately received te expected
autoreply. However, during a similar transaction two months ago Dale and I
confirmed that I could not receive either the email attachments or any
correspondence from his primary account. This is not a matter of messages
being filtered into my spam folder or anywhere else—they simply don’t
arrive. The last time this happened he had to send the items from his
personal email and was very accommodating. Today this seems to be happening
again. Obviously the problem is on my end since he tells me he has not seen
this problem with other customers. I have not had any problems with other
sites and certainly receive spam, which gmail handles quite well. Any
thoughts on how I can fix this? Hope this all made sense.

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