There are several approaches to this matter.
Here is what I will suggest.
From your email, you mentioned something about running or saving, so I will
assume you will be receiving a file to download?
Once the email is open, you may list your links using jaws key F 7, if using NVDA it's the same command or if you are using window eyes, do insert tab. Once the links are listed, use your arrow key and make sure you are focused on the link and proceed to press enter and the link will activate. If you are presented with a dialog, it might be the save as dialog asking if you would like to run or save the file.
If this is the case press alt-s and you will save the file.
After saving the file, the file may be found in the downloads folder so to find the file, activate the start menu, type in the word downloads in the search box and enter on the result and you will land in the downloads folder where you may find the file.
Let us know how it goes.
Take care.

Kimsan Song:
Online Access Technology Trainer
(509) 396-1646
-----Original Message----- From: Liuda Balcius
Sent: Monday, September 17, 2012 2:31 PM
To: blind-computing@jaws-users.com
Subject: [Blind-Computing] How to run a link

I am going to be sent a link in an e-mail message. I have to run it and not
save it. I have never done this before. Should I select the link before
doing anything? Is this necessary? Then what comes next? Do I enter on the
link next? And, where do I look for run in order to do something with that
command? Do I enter on run when I find it wherever it is usually located and
where is that, please?
In other words, I need all the help I can get with this process, please.
Thanks in advance for your patience and help.

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