Hold on so they want all apps in 1 app and not different catogries or whatever.

Thats fine, audiogamehub is all one app there is blind cricket which is a seperate app.

As for merging apps, I fail to see what the issue is.

At sonnar all apps are made by themselves in unity, if all one needs to do is merge them into one, then all you need is a menu pritty much and an over all tutorial then just drop the entire thing in and just call it blind fold games something whatever you want.

arcade or something.

And then you have 1 app to update or something.

On 9/11/2017 9:19 p.m., Tyler Wood wrote:
There are 80 separate apps in the app store.
The card games, for instance, could be melded into one game.
No offense meant, but 80 apps (10 or more of which are essentially bundled into 
the same category, anyway) should probably have been made into one to begin 
with and at the current moment seems a little excessive.
I fail to see how this would make it more difficult for the end user. Just have 
a menu of games to pick from in the single app.
I understand this is a lot more programming, but maybe think of it as starting 
fresh and new?

Just my, probably, unpopular opinion be as it were.

From: Shaun Everiss
Sent: November 9, 2017 2:13 AM
To: blind-gamers@groups.io
Subject: Re: [blind-gamers] No more Blindfold Games or Updates

So basically all games need to be physical apps no tons of games in a
single app.

That sucksĀ  all the sonnar games bar cricket are 1 app wow.

On 9/11/2017 3:26 p.m., Marty Schultz wrote:
Yes, but they may block me from releasing updates.
--------- Original Message --------- Subject: Re: [blind-gamers] No more Blindfold Games or Updates
From: "Joe Quinn" <jdawg1...@gmail.com>
Date: 11/8/17 6:28 pm
To: blind-gamers@groups.io

What does this mean for the end-user? Will we still be able to do in app  

   Sent from my iPhone

On Nov 8, 2017, at 5:34 PM, Marty Schultz <ma...@kidfriendlysoftware.com> wrote:

     I just finished talking with an Apple representative, and Apple's decision 
is that unless I merge the 80 Blindfold Games into a handful of apps, they will 
no longer allow new games to be released or allow updates to be make.
   From a technology perspective, that's extremely hard and time-consuming.  
From a business perspective, that would mean spending hundreds of hours 
recoding the games, with no possible return-on-investment.  Most of the games 
generate sales in the first three months of the game being released, and I've 
been building these games for 4 years.
   From a usability perspective, that means the main menus would be 
ridiculously complex, and the settings screens would be confusing and almost 
   If you are unhappy with this decision, you can express your opinion to 
Apple.  The accessibility desk is at accessibil...@apple.com or you can call 
1-800-MY-APPLE.  Thanks to everyone for enjoying my games.

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