I am really excited to see what you do with city boss.

On 5/18/18, Nick and Gemma Adamson <n...@ndadamson.com> wrote:
> Hi Aaron.
> Thanks. I guess you could call the concept an extension of what I did in
> Park boss.
> However, with any luck, it won't just feel like you're playing a bigger
> version of the same game. Game play is going to be quite different.
> BGT is OK for what it is. Unfortunately it's got its limits. For me the
> major issues with it are the lack of multi-threading, There's going to be a
> fair bit of background processing going on in City Boss which would make the
> game feel very sluggish if it was all single threaded. The lack of full
> proper 3d audio, particularly positional audio that moves around the
> listener as they change direction and the performance, it's just not quite
> quick enough for what I'm after.
> I'd love to see BGT get an update, mainly to see if the anti-virus issue
> could be resolved as it's great for quickly pulling a project together but
> personally for me I think I've hit its limits. There were things I wanted to
> do in Tube Sim which I really had to cludge together in BGT that could have
> been done easier with a more complete language.
> As a day job I'm a c++ software engineer and it's been my main professional
> language for about 13 years now so it was the obvious way to go for me for
> City Boss. I'm using a couple of other third party libraries. FMOD for
> sound, an epic 3d audio library with all sorts of fun bells and whistles.
> I'm also using SDL, a library for simple 2d graphics, multi-threading,
> eventing and input.
> If only I had more time to spend on City Boss, at the moment it’s a bit slow
> going.
> Thanks.
> Nick.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: blind-gamers@groups.io [mailto:blind-gamers@groups.io] On Behalf Of
> valiant8086
> Sent: 18 May 2018 15:44
> To: blind-gamers@groups.io
> Subject: Re: [blind-gamers] Coming up with ideas for a new game project.
> Hi.
> I like this. What's more, it's similar to other projects you have so
> something you have a good idea how to do already. You could in theory do
> this with bgt too I think, if you actually ended up needing to stick
> with it for one reason or another.
> Cheers:
> Aaron Spears, A.K.A. valiant8086. General Partner - Valiant Galaxy
> Associates "We make Very Good Audiogames for the blind community -
> http://valiantGalaxy.com";
> <Sent with Thunderbird 52.1.0 portable>
> On 2/11/2018 5:35 PM, Nick and Gemma Adamson wrote:
>> Hi All.
>> Thank you all for the ideas on and off list.
>> It looks like Sims are very popular and I’ve got a great list of ideas
>> you’ve all suggested so thank you for your time.
>> The idea that has captured my imagination, as you can see below, is a city
>> building simulator. I’ve been letting my mind run wild a bit and have
>> pulled together an idea of what I’m thinking. It’s potentially quite a big
>> project so don’t expect anything in the next month or so, <grins>
>> Also at this moment in time this has captured my imagination and I’m quite
>> enthusiastic about it however I’ve got a folder of projects sitting on my
>> computer that I’ve started and didn’t really go anywhere. I’m hoping this
>> won’t be another one of these. But I don’t believe in miss leading people
>> so consider the below a set of ideas which “could” turn in to a game,
>> there’s no promises.
>> Take a look at the brain dump below. This isn’t a complete set of features
>> I think the game may have, it just some ideas I’ve had as I’ve been
>> reading the various replies I received. Are there additional things you’d
>> like to add to the wish list? Again, no promises that any of the below or
>> any ideas will make the final cut but if we’re thinking big then why not
>> add things. It’s much easier to add ideas in at the design stage rather
>> than trying to squeeze them in at a later date.
>> So my ideas:
>> Concept
>> You start in an empty field. Your task is to take your empty field and
>> turn it in to a city. The main scoring mechanism is the population of your
>> city.
>> The terrain of your city plot will be randomly generated. Somewhere on the
>> field will be an interstate/motorway which you need to connect your road
>> system to for contact with the outside world. There may also be a river,
>> lake, mountains, sea shore, national railway link, natural resources such
>> as coal, iron, copper, gold, stone, ETC.
>> The environment will be randomly set at the start. This will include
>> factors like average yearly temperature, rain fall, wind.
>> Game play.
>> I was thinking 2 modes of game play. A city planner part where all of the
>> money stuff is managed for you and it’s all about laying out your city and
>> designing the environment. In this mode every time you build a road it'll
>> automatically include the utility supply systems. The idea is that this
>> mode is more casual.
>> The second mode is city mayor where all of the below is up to you. More
>> complex but allows for more interesting game play.
>> You'll be able to move around your plot of land in a 3d sound environment,
>> similar to how you did in Park Boss. Depending on what players think a
>> future update may include the ability to drive around the city.
>> Most spoken text will be done using screen reader/tts however there'll be
>> a spoken guide that is able to give context sensitive hints, this is the
>> help system.
>> I'm planning that there will be basic textual information on screen.
>> Interaction will be via keyboard or game controller.
>> You'll be able to build multiple cities at one time and the mode, planner
>> or mayor, will be set on a per city basis.
>> In a future version you may even be able to tour other player’s cities.
>> Utilities
>> For water supply, power, telephone/internet service, natural gas, water
>> purification, ETC., you start out by getting this from the national grid.
>> Each will have a cost associated with the supply of the utility. You will
>> be able to build industrial facilities for all possible utilities which
>> can reduce the need for the national grid. There will be different types
>> of industrial units you can build. For instance, for power you could build
>> different types of power plant, nuclear, coal, gas, wind, hydro, sola.
>> Each will have an associated cost for building and then ongoing
>> generation. You’ll be able to sell services back to the national grid to
>> make money. You’ll also be able to sell your services back to other real
>> world players using some sort of online being and selling system. You’ll
>> be able to set your prices and undercut other players and the national
>> grid. When building your city you’ll need to build supply lines for the
>> utilities to the development in your city.
>> Transportation:
>> Your city will be linked using various transportation systems. Roads,
>> Metro train system, busses, cycle and walking paths, ETC. you’ll be able
>> to Control schedules and routes for busses and trains. Roads will be
>> different types from major high ways to more suburban routes. You’ll be
>> able to place gas stations and be able to select the mix of gasoline to
>> electric charge points.
>> Buildings:
>> The main point will be building. There’ll be industrial buildings,
>> factories, farms, offices, ETC. basically most of your population are
>> employed at the industrial buildings, these will be privately run and once
>> built you won't need to manage each industrial building. There'll be city
>> facilities, schools, garbage collection, city hall, leisure centres,
>> parks, police, fire service, ambulance, hospitals, ETC., which will have
>> employees who you'll have to pay.
>> There'll be houses, shops, entertainment areas, universities, libraries
>> for your residents to live and use. Each building will have various
>> options to do with quality or size. There’ll be a building and maintenance
>> cost associated with each as well as a time to construct. It'll be a major
>> part of the game to balance the cost of things against the desirability
>> and how attractive it makes your city to its residents. For instance cost
>> of living will need to be balanced against the pollution in the
>> environment.
>> Average house prices will be monitored and you'll need to balance the
>> types of housing and ensure enough capacity of city facilities for the
>> population you've got. You’ll also need to ensure that the housing matches
>> the types of workers you’re employing. For example if your building a very
>> industrial town you may want to keep your house prices down to allow those
>> that work in the industrial areas to be able to afford housing.
>> Money:
>> You’ll be able to set taxes like a residence tax, sales tax, and business
>> rates. You'll be able to sell utility services to other players.
>> Fundamentally the game is about city planning and balancing the books.
>> You’ll be able to build buildings that are for national services like
>> prisons, waste processing facilities, military bases, ports, financial
>> services and sell their services back to the government.
>> If your trying to build a particular type of city you'll be able to set
>> tax rates for particular sectors, for instance if you get a map which
>> includes a sea shore you could build a doc, give low business rates to
>> shipping companies and try to become a national shipping hub.
>> Tourism
>> Depending on the type of train that gets generated for your city it may
>> lend its self to a tourist industry and you'll be able to build buildings
>> that encourages tourism, again this could be encouraged using the business
>> rates and infrastructure projects like airports.
>> Events
>> There'll be some kind of random event system, you get chosen to host a
>> sporting event, there's a severe winter so building has been slower.
>> Similar to how there was in Park Boss but with less severe consequences. I
>> used this system to really drive park boss, I don't see this as being the
>> big driver for city boss.
>> City Monitoring.
>> Basic information such as population level, city monthly income and
>> outgoings ETC. will be available but you'll be able to drill down in to
>> the numbers, employment rates, cost of living, and amount of commercial
>> premises which is unoccupied, and so on.

Lenron Brown
Cell: 985-271-2832
Skype: ron.brown762

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