How is Tramp more functional?  I assume that you mean it has features
or implementations that FSX Pilot does not.
I thought about getting Prepar3D and using that, as I've heard it's
more accessible and more pleasing than FSX,  but based on what I read
today, unless I am misunderstanding, it is not available to simming
enthusiasts for entertainment purposes, but rather is used as a
teaching tool, so I'm not sure about that, as I'm not doing this in
the name of academia, but rather for fun, just because I'm a nerd and
I like stuff like this.  Since you apparently have it, based on the
video I watched, maybe you can shed some light on that.  Thanks.

On 6/3/19, Joshua Tubbs <> wrote:
> As far as videos, I'm active on Youtube both with FSX Pilot and Tramp.
> Blind Flightsimmer, who you can find under the heading Blind
> Creators/Friends on my Youtube, is also active.
> As for which is more accessible, FSX Pilot is more accessible. Once
> you get to grips with simming and want to fly better, Tramp is more
> functional.
> HTH.
> On 6/3/19, Jody McKinniss <> wrote:
>> Which is the most accessible?  And do they work better with FSX or
>> Prepar 3d, or do they work equally well? I've got FSX, but can get
>> Prepar 3d if that's better.  I'm wondering, are there videos by blind
>> pilots on the use of FSXPilot or FSTramp? I've got MCE as well, but
>> I'm having problems with it, so hoping this will work better.  Thanks
>> for the help.
>> On 6/3/19, Joshua Tubbs <> wrote:
>>> You can also use FSTramp. Just point that out. It's good with jets and
>>> the big airliners. I'd stick to FSX Pilot for GA though.
>>> I did just use FSX Pilot last night with the Aerosoft CRJ, and FSXP
>>> controlled the throttles pretty well.
>>> On 6/3/19, Jody McKinniss <> wrote:
>>>> How are approaches and landings handled with FSX Pilot?
>>>> On 5/14/19, Jordan Gallacher <> wrote:
>>>>> You have to have FSX Pilot because that is the only pretty much
>>>>> accessible
>>>>> way to do it since it will act as the autopilot interface as well as a
>>>>> basic
>>>>> flight management computer.  I say basic because it does not take into
>>>>> account payload and fuel.  MCE is nice if you want a first officer and
>>>>> if
>>>>> you want to be able to do start ups from cold and dark.  FSX Pilot
>>>>> does
>>>>> take
>>>>> some playing around with when it comes to each individual aircraft to
>>>>> get
>>>>> the settings right, but now that I have a handle on that most planes
>>>>> fly
>>>>> well.  Helicopters are still a problem though since they don't seem to
>>>>> want
>>>>> to stay at a hover when using FSX Pilot.
>>>>> Jordan
>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>> From: <> On Behalf Of
>>>>> Jody
>>>>> McKinniss
>>>>> Sent: Tuesday, May 14, 2019 1:56 AM
>>>>> To: blind-gam
>>>>> Subject: Re: [blind-gamers] fsx
>>>>> Jordan, what are you using?  I've never tried FS Pilot.  When last I
>>>>> did
>>>>> this, I did it with MCE.  Which one is better?
>>>>> On 5/12/19, Jordan Gallacher <> wrote:
>>>>>> Simulator might be paused.  Try pressing P, and also, make sure you
>>>>>> have FSX in Window mode not full screen.
>>>>>> Jordan
>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>> From: <> On Behalf Of
>>>>>> Austin Pinto
>>>>>> Sent: Sunday, May 12, 2019 6:43 AM
>>>>>> To:
>>>>>> Subject: Re: [blind-gamers] fsx
>>>>>> i tried to use it.
>>>>>> i installed fs pilot but when i press alt f to focus from the fs
>>>>>> program to fsx the sound goes away do i need to press enter after
>>>>>> pressing
>>>>>> alt f?
>>>>>> On 5/12/19, Jordan Gallacher <> wrote:
>>>>>>> Yes I am and I will give you details later probably tomorrow.
>>>>>>> Jordan
>>>>>>>> On May 11, 2019, at 11:44 PM, Juan Hernandez
>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> HI All,
>>>>>>>> Anyone out there flying Microsoft  Flight Simulator ?  If yes how?
>>>>>>>> Any help would be great.  I’d like to check it out, but I don’t
>>>>>>>> know
>>>>>>>> how to even get started.
>>>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>>>> Juan
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> search for me on facebook, google+, orkut..
>>>>>> follow me on twitter.
>>>>>> austinmpinto
>>>>>> contact me on skype.
>>>>>> austin.pinto3

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