I've hit a wall at level 15.  (mild spoilers here)  I can't figure out how
to deal with the multiple spell counters required after a certain point in
the level.  Super mode is cool, and works, but doesn't last long enough for
me to get through the double spells necessary.
Some other non-spoilery content: for me, the controls aren't always
consistent.  Just double-tapping buttons doesn't always work, and the
control paradigm of having to use two fingers to swipe and double tap
controls was not obvious at first.  I very nearly threw the game away
before figuring out that I needed to use two fingers.  Something in the
documentation might make that clearer.  Perhaps this is an IOS convention
that I as an Android user didn't know about.
Question: is the rate at which the supergauge fills affected by the number
of spells you cast?  I have noticed (I think) that if I screw up a spell,
(choose the incorrect element, or aim wrong) that the superguage doesn't
recharge as quickly.  Is this a correct assumption??
It is bloody addictive.

Chris Bartlett

On Wed, Sep 11, 2019 at 5:32 AM Ian McNamara <ianmcnamar...@gmail.com>

> I really like the game, it is easy to learn but very challenging. I am
> currently stuck on the level where the controls change. Really impressed
> with the game though and the story is funny to.
> Best wishes.
> Ian mcnamara.
> On 11 Sep 2019, at 11:08, myTrueSound <infomytrueso...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Good question Lori.
> In the game, enemies are approaching to you and the sound they make will
> tell you what type of enemy it is, and what direction is approaching. And
> this was the initial phase of the game design. We ensured that the game was
> playable just by listening.
> However, many players have been saying that they wanted to play the same
> games than their friends played, so we added visuals. In other words, the
> game includes visuals because we wanted that sighted people would be also
> interested about audiogames. So we did add the visuals, but we used a
> similar approach as in FEER, where the environment is quite foggy and dark,
> so the enemy reveals itself visually once it is quite close to you. So
> basically, and at least in the first 15 levels, it is possible to destroy
> the enemies before they actually become visible. As their speed increases,
> visual cue can be an advantage, but not so much I think. The best is to
> kill the enemy as soon as you identify them by the sound. Visually, they
> all look the same but they have different colors. I think the game balances
> quite well both visual and audible inputs. I have played the game
> blindfolded, and I enjoyed quite a lot playing it like that.
> If this game sells, and I am able to pay to salaries of the programmers
> for another period of time, we would like to make the multiplayer mode,
> were blind and sighted players fight against each other with equal winning
> possibilities. And sure the multiplayer game will be more than just a
> fighting game, so it should include strategy and things to consider before
> starting the fight. However, we are still far from that since we need first
> to really find out if there is a market for this type of games or we should
> stop. Other way around, if you liked this game, please, tell about it to
> your friends, all of them. That will help us a lot to continue working in
> this type of games.
> Once more, thanks Lori for the question
> On Wed, 11 Sep 2019 at 01:26, lori duncan <lori.dunca...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Wow, this looks really cool, always asuming I can remember the right
>> sequence under pressure.  :)  Could  someone perhaps enlighten me as to
>> what the visuals are like in the game?  I'm just wondering if it gives the
>> sighted player any advantages over us blind players, or if the graphics are
>> more like scenery.
>> Thanks from Lori.
>> On 10/09/2019 16:57, myTrueSound wrote:
>> Hello everyone!
>> We're glad to finally announce that AudioWizards is now available for
>> Android and iOS. It has taken some time, but here it is.
>> You can get it by following this link if you use an Android device:
>> https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.myTrueSound.AudioWizards
>> Or following this other link if you prefer to play on your iPhone or iOS
>> device:
>> https://apps.apple.com/us/app/audiowizards/id1475627591
>> <https://apps.apple.com/us/app/audiowizards/id1475627591?fbclid=IwAR3srBc05MpW1r5F6aHik655xV-vjap5qO1LKpZMW90JZ9bXZMhXam2IBTM>
>> The game has received pretty good reviews, and it has been rated as fully
>> accessible in AppleVis. It is so, that the game was designed first as an
>> audiogame, so we could be sure it was playable using sound as main sound
>> mechanics. This after, we added some simple but actually quite nice looking
>> visuals, so also sighted people could play it. We really believe that
>> playing videogames should be a universal right, and that everybody should
>> be able to play and to talk about the same game independently of the eye
>> condition.
>> In this first game, AudioWizards
>> <https://www.facebook.com/AudioWizardsGame/?ref=gs&__tn__=%2CdK-R-R&eid=ARB8865FIkFjJ1_q_A-2_VLXYanpqiaE9mz6wfP6xLqAZYlPN5aYZepgNaHqFZ_8lHQgApC_3us8QLca&fref=gs&dti=204339399718289&hc_location=group>,
>> there have been involved 50 blind persons from all around the world. Nine
>> composed the music, one designed part of the special sound effects, one was
>> voice actor, and four were beta-testers since the first version. All of
>> them have received an economic compensation for their work and effort. The
>> rest of those friends helped us selflessly, and so we send our best regards
>> once more to all of them. In addition, in these two years we have received
>> a lot of support and very kind words, especially in the audiogame forums,
>> and so we have enough proof that I have to keep working in what we believe
>> we have to. Our goal is not only to provide you with fantastic games, but
>> also proof that there are a lot of talented blind people who could work in
>> the gaming or audiovisual industries as sound technicians, musicians,
>> producers, mixers and sound developers, but also as programmers, data
>> analyst, marketing staff, game designers, scriptwriters, translators, voice
>> actors, etc etc.
>> If you are not sure if this game is for you or not, we have prepared a
>> bunch of videos in our Youtube channel, so you can check the game and its
>> quality before you buy it. For instance, there is a trailer with audio
>> description, and a How to Play video. Here those two links
>> https://youtu.be/PODJ6XMg3Mc
>> https://youtu.be/7ejW3U1W11I
>> One more thing. If you like the game, please, share your enthusiasm with
>> your friends. That will help us like a lot!
>> Regards,
>> myTrueSound and the AudioWizards Dev Team

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