bah, webhosting is cheap and easy.  I actually have two web hosts, I ue for, (costs me $5 a month), and that's where all my commercial stuff goes.  Then, I found a really nice 98-core server as a retired server that I pay $36 a month for, which while expensive, allows me to have an entire server to myself with no dependence on anyone but myself for it's maintenance.  Sure, it isn't for everyone, but I've been using linux since before it was officially released as version 1.0 , so maintaining a server running it on my own is second nature.  I keep this one for all the off the wall ideas I want to test, anything I want to play with that could impact a commercial server that needs to be up all the time, and the entire physical machine being mine prevents a lot of the issues I'd otherwise have when I break something, and services don't work properly until I get to them. :)

I'm actually contemplating offering game hosting again like I used to do back in the late 90s when softcon first started, and I had the machines in my home on a 3MBPS DSL line.  That seemed to pay the bills quite nicely, but I really didn't like all the users that thought I owed them 24 hours a day of my time just because they were paying me something each month for using less than 5MB on the server, and didn't have a clue what they were doing anyhow.  I tell you, I don't miss those days.  I do kind of miss the whole being a service provider thing though, since I like to help folks, and providing hosting at that time for way less than most providers (including dial-up and web hosting, as well as game hosting), was something I could do, and (mostly) enjoyed doing. Anyway, A bit off topic, but If anyone wants to run their own mud or something, let me know, if there's enough interest, perhaps I'll offer such services again.

On 6/12/2020 1:04 AM, Shaun Everiss wrote:

Well to be honest, I manage a blog with another user.

Last year due to various hacks and security things I decided to see if I could mod the heck out of the site.

The latest wordpress had some sort of health check and I put all sorts of errors about security and the like.

While I managed to fix most of them php and sql were out of date and that needed the host to move on this.

On sql they moved swiftly but on php they kept doing excuses saying it would cause dammage to their network and others had issues.

In late march round the 28th, there was a 2 day server outage, with no explanation.

When everything came back up, I was plesently surprised that not only was everything updated but they had updated to the latest version.

I am unsure how it happened but it did.

It happened with no notification and was utterly random though.

So I am not sure if the messages  sent did anything.

So yeah, web hosts hmph.

If it ever gets accessible my plan will be to get a cheap web hosting plan maybe something with a gb or so of storage and maybe some bandwidth enough to serve a wordpress blog.

Either that or just make another wordpress blog on wordpress free, link it with a .tk domain then use keybase.public for file storage.

At least if keybase starts working that is what I may end up doing.

Its just good that it was eventually done

On 12/06/2020 12:29 am, Jeremy Kaldobsky wrote:
Believe me John, I've had that same thought over and over during the years, Haha!

What has finally got me to stick it out during these issues, are horror stories from others about the web hosts they've used, and realizing how rare these issues have been over the entire 21-22 years I've used them.  It's one of those things like if the power goes out for 20 minutes someone gets upset, until they stop and remember it's the first time they've lost power in 3 years. All in all, it isn't so bad, I just get angry in the moment.

Over the years, I think I've heard similar web host horror stories about all of the main providers.  Now I'm sure someone who sets up a static page to post some cooking recipes, or a standard blog type of setup, could probably go forever without any issues on almost any web host.  There's a lot fewer ways the web host could mess them up, because their site has very few requirements.  It could just be me running across a specific set of stories by coincidence, but I've developed the belief that any web host I move to is going to have it's own problems every now and then.  All I'd be doing is spending a ton of work moving to a new place that will be more of the same.  Maybe not the exact same problems, but it'll have some way of messing up my normal flow every few years or so.  Haha, maybe this is just me trying to avoid all of the work of moving everything over to a new host.

- Aprone

On Thursday, June 11, 2020, 7:30:06 AM EDT, john <> wrote:

That's... one weird web host.

I know you've had quite a few problems with them in the past. It might be worth considering switching away, even though it'll cost a bit of time, because a decent host shouldn't be modifying your traffic (or having any of the other problems you have, really).

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