Where is the question I have.  Every time I go to upgrade to the full version, 
it wants me to pay.



From: blind-gamers@groups.io <blind-gamers@groups.io> On Behalf Of mattias
Sent: Tuesday, December 8, 2020 10:39 AM
To: blind-gamers@groups.io
Subject: Re: [blind-gamers] A few questions about Entombed


you dont need to pay for entombed anymore.. it is freeware

Den 8 december 2020 16:36:38 skrev "Patrick Smyth" <patricksmyt...@gmail.com 
<mailto:patricksmyt...@gmail.com> >:

Hi all, not to resuscitate this thread, but I think I missed the response by 
Richard. I've reached out to Jason's address with no response. I paid for the 
game on Paypal and after the payment completed, it sent to a really broken 
looking application page, so I kind of doubt if my email address is nicely 
sitting in a database on the server, but who knows. Do you remember what the 
workaround is or was for getting the full version to work? If the game was $5 
or $10 I'd just try again, but $45 here and $45 there and soon your'e talking 
real money.






On Sat, Dec 5, 2020 at 5:58 AM Richard Sherman <squir...@gmail.com 
<mailto:squir...@gmail.com> > wrote:


For questions 1 and 2. I am not sure if the number row works or not. You can
test it. I always use the numpad .

For question 1. You target the spot you want to heal. This is done by
holding down a key on the numpad. Picture the numpad as a person. With
number 8 being the head. 7 being the right hand and 9 being the left hand.
Number 5 is the torso and 4 and 6 are the arms. 1 and 3 are the legs. And 2
is tail I believe. So you arrow down to the spell you want to cast, pick
whom you want to heal, then hold down the corresponding numpad key as you
hit enter. So if you wanted to heal your torso you would arrow down to heal,
select whom you want to cast it on, then hold down the numpad 5 and hit
enter to cast heal on the torso.

Question 2.
Works basically the same way as healing. Just before you hit enter to cast
the spell on your target you will hold down the numpad key. So if you wanted
to cast ice blast on a goblin and target his head. First select magic. Then
arrow down to ice blast and hit enter. Then select your target. Then before
you hit enter to cast ice blast on your target hold down what numpad number
you want to try to target. Like hold down 8 to target the head and press
enter. Note the body part you target will not always be hit.

Question 3.
Jason's email address is:

evildi...@gmail.com <mailto:evildi...@gmail.com> 

But you should be able to upgrade to full version yourself. Go to account
maintenance and work with the options there.  For me I had to reset my
password then upgrade to full version. Now I had purchased the game some
eons ago but think anyone who did not purchase game and wants to upgrade
took a bit of work around to get it done. Think Jason fixed that so it might
be super easy now. Had not heard of anyone who had trouble upgrading to full


-----Original Message-----
From: blind-gamers@groups.io <mailto:blind-gamers@groups.io>  
<blind-gamers@groups.io <mailto:blind-gamers@groups.io> > On Behalf Of Patrick
Sent: Friday, December 4, 2020 5:57 PM

Hi friends,

I've been playing Entombed, an RPG, which I am having a lot of fun 
with and which can be found here:


I have a few questions about the game that a number of fairly 
careful searches on the group and on audiogames didn't turn up.

1. How can injuries like mangled or broken hands be healed? I have 
a healer with the heal skill, but on these characters they only 
heal to a certain level and their broken or mangled limbs don't 
2. I can't seem to get the targeting system to work...supposed 
you're supposed to hold down a nmber key before attacking, but 
this doesn't seem to do anything for me.
3. Does anyone have the email for the developer? I'm trying to 



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