HI John

Thanks for your response.

Yes, my speech delay was indeed  too high.

I made it lower and I don’t have the freezing problem anymore.’

It also solved the problem with the first aid kit.

If I’m hurt and I am in a room with the kit, I’m healed.

But sometimes I am told that I encounter a bunch of bananas.

Is there a key I can press to eat the bananas or is the bananas only there as 
eye candy.

I’m still unclear about the slash key.

Is it a bug if the game tells me: invalid key, this will cost you one move?

Or is the game suppose to say that?

Many thanks

From: blind-gamers@groups.io [mailto:blind-gamers@groups.io] On Behalf Of john
Sent: 23 December 2020 02:26 PM
To: blind-gamers@groups.io
Subject: Re: [blind-gamers] the game called lost

Hi Nicol,

Unfortunately I can't help you with the first aid kit, but I can give the other 
two a shot.

For the slash key, it doesn't really matter if you've been in a room before: 
the result of every move you make is completely random.

As far as the freezing goes, this probably means your copy of the game set its 
speech delay really high: try resetting it in the main menu, and getting it to 
set to a smaller number.



On 12/22/2020 14:41, Nicol wrote:

Hi all
I found a very interesting game in the audiogames archive called lost!
Its based on the great escape game.
I love the sound effects, music and minigames.
There is just a couple of things I need help with please:
1.  The read me says to press slash that will tell me if I have been there
before if I have a map.
The game tells me that I found a map.
So I press slash but the game says: invalid  key, this will cost you a move.
2. When the math teacher's son kills me, it appears that the program
I press all sorts of keys: space, escape, tab, nothing works. The program
Then after a while  the game tells me I was dreaming in my desk in the math
class and the teacher sends me to the principal's office.
But then still the program is frozen and after struggling and pressing keys,
I finally manage to exit the program.
3.  The read me doesn't give any key to take the first aid kit. Sometimes it
happens that I enter a room that has a first aid kit. How do I take the
first aid kit? I heal myself by choosing the heal me option in the shop but
I was just wondering how I take the first aid kit if I'm told I'm in a room
that has the first aid kit?
I have windows 7 and nvda
Many thanks for any help
South africa

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