Using T is a good idea, and it is something I totally forgot about.  Saved my 
behind a few times today.



From: <> On Behalf Of Richard 
Sent: Tuesday, September 28, 2021 2:53 PM
Subject: Re: [blind-gamers] Unable to upgrade soldiers in Castaways Mission 3.



My apologies. I missed the key words ‘in battle’. I rarely use soldiers for 
battle. I try to upgrade them before sending them to their death. LOL


As stated in another message. I too also turn off battle mode with the letter 
T. Then when said  character is a soldier I upgrade them. Then turn battle ode 
back on. If I miss the step to turn it off and they go to battle, I then turn 
it off till their idle again, upgrade, then turn it bac on.


As for needing a tome. Because of how I play I had never seen that message 
before. Will have to go and check it out some day.


Again, sorry for any mis information.




From: <>  
< <> > On Behalf Of Jordan 
Sent: Monday, September 27, 2021 10:51 PM

Not correct. It will tell you that you don’t have any tomes to use if you try 
to upgrade a soldier when it is in battle starting in Mission three. If it is 
not in battle it will work as it has always done.



On Sep 28, 2021, at 12:22 AM, Richard Sherman < 
<> > wrote:


Tome’s are not needed to upgrade your soldiers to knights, pikemen, archers, or 
cavalry. Tomes are for as you did, upgrading workers to a higher class. Such as 
you stated a chef or serf.


In order to upgrade a soldier  you need to have appropriate equipment in the 
barracks. No eq no upgrading.


In mission 1you cannot have anything but knights and archers. Mission 2 
introduces the tannery so you can make pikemen. In mission 3 it introduces the 
stables to make cavalry. Just make appropriate gear and your workers will take 
it to the barracks where you can upgrade soldiers. When you want to upgrade a 
soldier, just select them and press shift U. That should bring up a menu of 
what do you want to make with this soldier and will tell you how many of each 
you have in your barracks. It will also say if you have none  also for a 
certain military type. If it is talking about no tome then you do not have 
focus on a soldier. Make sure you are changing a character from their previous 
job to soldier, switching to the soldier  section, selecting them, an then 
pressing the shift U.


As for farms. Yes some times those take a small back seat. Keep hunters out 
there getting animals for butchering. But try to get them going as soon as you 
can. 1 farmer can handle 2 farms.


You might see me on there every now and then also. Say hi and ask any questions 
you have.


Good luck.



From: <>  
< <> > On Behalf Of Arianna 
Sent: Monday, September 27, 2021 5:13 PM

Hi again, Christina,



I forgot to say that yes, I've upgraded my cook to a chef, and one of my 
peasants to a serf. :) 





On Sep 27, 2021, at 6:13 PM, Christina Nixon < 
<> > wrote:

Hi, Ari,

When you get tomes, it’s worth it to upgrade your cook to a chef.  While it 
ties up a worker, the chef gives more food energy than a regular cook.

Are you playing the multi-player version?  If so, I can sign on and help you.




From: <>  
< <> > On Behalf Of Arianna 
Sent: Monday, September 27, 2021 4:43 PM
To: blind-gamers < <> >
Subject: [blind-gamers] Unable to upgrade soldiers in Castaways Mission 3.


Hello, everyone,



So, I finally beat mission 2 of Castaways yesterday! Yay! Unfortunately, as the 
subject suggests, I'm having trouble upgrading soldiers to knights or rangers 
in mission 3. What the heck is going on? I could swear I used to be able to do 
this in missions 1 and 2, by pressing shift+u on the soldier in question and 
then selecting what I wanted them to train as, but nodw that just says I don't 
have any tomes. So, in the later missions, do I need tomes to upgrade soldiers? 
If so, that is really annoying. I have armor and a cloak in my barracks, so I'm 
really not sure what the problem is, for pity's sake! Can anyone help me out?


I also seem to have people constantly on the edge of starvation, but luckily no 
one's died from that yet. I seem to have made that go down a little by making 
sure I have enough houses for everyone, but that's only helped a little. I know 
I have to have more than one farmer per farm, i.e., have 3 farmers for 2 farms, 
but I only have so many people to work with at the moment, so farming optimally 
has to get put on the back burner for the moment. I'm trying to keep the damn 
enemy off my back right now, and that's tricky to do when the attacks are 
outpacing my population growth! Lol I really love this game! I can play it for 
hours and not get bored! :) 





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