I take it the MushZ client wouldn't work with STellar Eon yet?

Christopher Bartlett

On Sun, Oct 3, 2021 at 2:10 PM Dennis Towne <s...@xirr.com> wrote:

> [crossposted to audiogames.net]
> TL/DR:  Stellar Aeon is a multiplayer text game you can play with mud
> clients.  It's now officially open, but still under development.  The
> address is stellaraeon.com, port 4000.  I haven't set up a website
> yet.
> We've come a pretty long way in the last year or so.  We've added new
> player jobs to help you get your interstellar exploration company
> started, as well as to teach new players about some of the basic
> gameplay.  Things that we've worked on:
> - The new player startup jobs guide you out into interstellar space to
> do surveys and exploration
> - Ship building and upgrades have been improved
> - Starports have a lot more facilities now, including ore processors,
> storage lockers, and a datamart
> - There's a lot more starports, including alien starports
> - Alien languages are now learnable
> - You can use alien starport facilities, if you know the language well
> enough
> - Galactic civilization has gotten an upgrade, which will let us show
> more detail about races in the future
> - Everyone now has their own private 'fog of war', which allows
> everyone to feel like an explorer.  You can still get hints on where
> to find things from friends.
> - There's an automated scanner to find good mining claims
> - Ship blueprints now allow a few more options and variation
> There's also a lot of quality of life stuff to make things easier,
> such as the 'autodig' feature.
> There's no official soundpack for now, but one of our players has been
> working on one.
> If you'd like to stop by and take a look, point your mud client at
> stellaraeon.com, port 4000.  I'll be in and out for most of the day,
> and plan to update help files and fix up a few rough edges as new
> players find them.
> Have fun!
> -dentin

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