On the internet anything downloaded you do not verify first using a
separate small file to check integrity could have got to you either hacked
or defective.  Several years ago verification files like those ending in
.md5sum or .sha512sum weren't provided this is changing now.

Jude <jdashiel at panix dot com> "There are four boxes to be used in
defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author, 1940)


On Mon, 23 Jan 2023, Day Garwood wrote:

> Hi Devin,
> Mush-Z rings a bell actually. That's probably the client I got a screenload of
> errors on. Didn't dare touch anything after that. No idea what I did wrong but
> my computer went and acted like the universe had fallen in or something.
> It has been updated since, so I suppose I could have another shot, though I
> very much doubt I got a dodgy version, so needless to say I am extremely
> nervous.
> Cheers.
> On 23/01/2023 16:36, Devin Prater wrote:
> > I'd look into Erion, or Alteraeon. Both have blind-sepcific clients, which
> > are just configured versions of a mainstream client, have good sound packs,
> > and are already ready to go.
> >
> > Erion: http://www.erionmud.com/blindsupport.php
> >
> > Alteraeon: https://mush-z.com/
> > Devin Prater
> > r.d.t.pra...@gmail.com
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > On Mon, Jan 23, 2023 at 10:32 AM Day Garwood <d...@yepmail.net> wrote:
> >
> >     Hi,
> >
> >     I've seen a lot of messages here about muds. I'm getting the
> >     impression
> >     that, given that not many audiogames are made any more, seems like
> >     muds
> >     are the way forward if I want to try anything new.
> >
> >     I don't know a lot about them, in fact I thought "mud" was a game,
> >     but
> >     based on messages that I'm seeing I'm getting the impression they're
> >     merely a type of game.
> >
> >     The only think I really know is that you need a "mud client",
> >     suggesting
> >     that they're online based. That makes me think of things like
> >     QuentinC
> >     and RS, but even that doesn't quite sound right somehow.
> >
> >     Years ago, I tried to use VIPMud but got nowhere, then was told
> >     that it
> >     wasn't supported so I should go use this other thing (which was
> >     apparently better anyway). My teacher then Enthusiastically got me to
> >     press loads of buttons, only to discover that I got a whole
> >     screenload
> >     of errors, and then they didn't know what to do with themselves and
> >     clicked off. So bang went that idea.
> >
> >     That was the last I heard about muds for a while, up to now.
> >
> >     So I'd be interested to know how they work, how I might go about
> >     trying
> >     one without embarrassing myself, which client I should try, which
> >     game I
> >     should try, etc etc.
> >
> >     Even better, if someone has any free time and would be willing to
> >     actually sit and go through it with me step by step privately on a
> >     call
> >     or something, that would be amazing. Especially since the one
> >     lesson I
> >     learned from my disaster of a session is that it's not a case of
> >     download, launch, play, like most audiogames are.
> >
> >     It'll probably turn out to be one of those things that sounds overly
> >     complicated now, but in a year I'll be a whiz at it. Hopefully.
> >
> >     Cheers.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >

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