Hi Ian,

I kept getting runtime errors on my VIPMud and was told that it wasn't supported any more, though where or how they obtained that info is beyond me as it's still available for download. Not sure when it was last updated though.

I'll have to see if I have a key for V2. In any case, that gives me something else to try.

On 23/01/2023 16:40, Ian McNamara wrote:

A mud is basically an online text adventure where you create a character and 
build it up by killing things and obtaining equipment and experience in order 
to level up and improve your skills. They do require a mud client and each mud 
has a host and port that you need in order to connect to it. Personally I have 
found VIP mud to be the best client for windows although been out of the mud 
scene for a long time now so there could be something better out there. The 
main reason I like Vip mud is because it saves all your connections so once 
you’ve set them up there is no need to remember them. Also it’s got an input 
and out put text window so you can read the text back if you’ve missed 

You just switch between the two text fields by tabbing and shift tabbing 
depending weather you want to type a command or read back your previous text 
that you may have missed.

Not found a suitable client for Mac yet which is mainly why I don’t play them 
much at the moment.

Best wishes.

Ian McNamara

On 23 Jan 2023, at 16:32, Day Garwood <d...@yepmail.net> wrote:


I've seen a lot of messages here about muds. I'm getting the impression that, 
given that not many audiogames are made any more, seems like muds are the way 
forward if I want to try anything new.

I don't know a lot about them, in fact I thought "mud" was a game, but based on 
messages that I'm seeing I'm getting the impression they're merely a type of game.

The only think I really know is that you need a "mud client", suggesting that 
they're online based. That makes me think of things like QuentinC and RS, but even that 
doesn't quite sound right somehow.

Years ago, I tried to use VIPMud but got nowhere, then was told that it wasn't 
supported so I should go use this other thing (which was apparently better 
anyway). My teacher then Enthusiastically got me to press loads of buttons, 
only to discover that I got a whole screenload of errors, and then they didn't 
know what to do with themselves and clicked off. So bang went that idea.

That was the last I heard about muds for a while, up to now.

So I'd be interested to know how they work, how I might go about trying one 
without embarrassing myself, which client I should try, which game I should 
try, etc etc.

Even better, if someone has any free time and would be willing to actually sit 
and go through it with me step by step privately on a call or something, that 
would be amazing. Especially since the one lesson I learned from my disaster of 
a session is that it's not a case of download, launch, play, like most 
audiogames are.

It'll probably turn out to be one of those things that sounds overly 
complicated now, but in a year I'll be a whiz at it. Hopefully.


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