zombie fingers could be effecting me in idle iktah.

 Jude <jdashiel at panix dot com>
 "There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo.
 Please use in that order."
 Ed Howdershelt 1940.

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Date: Sat, 30 Dec 2023 17:03:31
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To: io <theinnersanctu...@groups.io>
Subject: [TheInnerSanctuary] Touchscreen trouble? It could be zombie finger

lol....I have just found out I have Zombie Fingers, of all things....
I got really annoyed...touch worked fine on a typing keyboard, but for some 
freaky reason does not work well for me on the phone keypad. ( does anyone here 
know why the difference ??)
So...I looked it up. Zombie fingers.
There are alternatives we can use...even a real piece of metal ( touch diameter 
of a finger, smooth so it won't scratch) but experiment with all kinds of 
things : D

So...for all of you who never heard of this:
Touchscreen trouble? It could be zombie finger

Here's why capacitive screens don't respond to every touch
 Published: June 02, 2015 11:30 AM

Some smartphone and tablet users are afflicted with a malady. No matter how 
hard they press on the display, they just can't seem to get the device to 
acknowledge their touch. These people may have the same problem with laptop 
touchpads. In layman's terms, they suffer from zombie finger.

"The capacitive touch sensor is—to most people—this kind of magical thing," 
says Andrew Hsu, Ph.D., a pioneer in touchscreen tech at Synaptics, a major 
supplier of the technology to electronics manufacturers. "In an ideal 
situation, you barely touch the surface of the screen and the sensor is able to 
detect the presence of your finger." In some cases, however, that finger 
confounds the technology.

"It's a problem we've been wrestling with for 20 years now," says Hsu. "It's a 
very delicate balance. We spend a lot of time essentially trying to determine 
whether a user has touched the surface or not."

To understand why one finger gets noticed while another is ignored, you need to 
know how a capacitive touchscreen works. Unlike the resistive screens, which 
rely on mechanical pressure to register each touch, a smartphone or laptop 
touchpad generates a small electric field. In fact, you don't even have to make 
contact with the touchpad for the sensor to detect your finger. Because the 
human body conducts electricity, a fingertip in close proximity to the glass 
will absorb the electrical charge and create a measurable disturbance in the 
field, alerting a grid of electrodes on the screen and enabling the phone to 
register the command.

To satisfy consumers, capacitive touchscreens must be nimble enough to 
recognize the dainty finger of a toddler, the bony digit of a an elderly 
person, and the meaty stab of a sumo wrester. What's more, software algorithms 
need to filter out the "noise" generated by grease and grime on the glass, not 
to mention the overlapping electrical fields generated by fluorescent lights, 
poorly designed charging stations, even other components inside the device. 
"It's one of the reasons why the mobile phone has more processing power than 
the computers used to send a man to the moon," says Hsu.

All things considered, capacitive touchscreens offer clear advantages for cell 
phones and tablets. They stand up well to the wear-and-tear of constant use, 
they don't detract from picture quality, and they permit multitouch gestures. 
And for the record: Despite what you might have heard, they perform fine 
whether you've got a hot or cold hand.

In the end, though, capacitive touchscreens are not foolproof. Living, 
breathing people with thick callouses on their fingers—think guitar players or 
carpenters—struggle with these touchscreens because the dead skin on their 
fingertips prevents the flow of electricity. People wearing gloves tend to 
experience trouble. People with very dry hands, too. "I've also heard of women 
with really long fingernails having problems," says Daniel Tower, an engineer 
at Wacom, which makes drawing tablets and styluses. Basically, anything that 
limits your hand's conductivity is a potential pitfall.

So what should you do if you have zombie fingers? You might try licking your 
fingertip or, better yet, applying a water-based moisturizer to your hands. 
And, if you can't bear to give up playing electric guitar or having designer 
nails, think about using a touchscreen stylus to funnel the electricity into 
your mitts.

Don't have one handy? People in South Korea have discovered that a pork link 
will do the job. "There's moisture in that sausage," says Hsu. "So long as your 
body is in contact with it, it has enough conductivity to affect the electric 

Of course, the Slim Jim approach presents other challenges. "That only works if 
you're not hungry," says Tower's Wacom colleague Doug Little.

—Chris Raymond

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