What about a shipping container?
It'd have to be delivered, but it has no tires.
At 11:03 AM 9/28/2007, you wrote:

>My Wife and I rent an old farmhouse and there is a lot of room out here.
>Since we don't own I am not going to put up a structure. I am giving some
>thought to finding a retired 40 foot closed trailor. Any one know where I
>might look for such a beast? If I do find one I wonder how one would go
>about putting in a service door. I thought some thing like a 30 or 32 inch
>house door would do the trick. I would rather not use the big roll up door
>in the back to get in every time If I could set up a more handy access. Then
>I would just need to set up a set of temporary set of steps to the door.
>This is of cource providing I am allowed by my Land Lord to do this.
>By the way there is a cement pad out here that is more than big enough to
>store this on.
>Last thought I had on this topic is what happens when the tires start to go
>flat? I am sure even if it had good tires, this is bound to happen. If I
>lost too much on one side or the other I think it might start to lean a bit
>too much.
>Any ideas.

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