Hi list. I am new here, well actually I have been here but it has been a 
while.  I am familiar with this great list though.  My wife Marie and I live 
in Osseo Wisconsin.  we have an oil furnace.     In order to see how much 
oil I have left in the barrel  I unscrew that outer rim plastic ring around 
the oil gage cap and remove the ring.  Then I touch the rod, that sticks up 
from where the cover was.   Here is the problem.  Our float is stuck down in 
the oil so the tank shows nearly empty, even after we fill it full.  Is 
there a gage made for blind home owners that is either tactile, or readable 
in some way? Better still, we have a talking thermostat.  I couldn't be so 
lucky as to find a talking gage, could I?    Bill

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