the main city sewer line runs parallel to the back of our house and the kitchen 
sink and that opening are right on the back of the house.  We chose the place 
to dig by coming straight out from the house towards the main line.  The 
plumber did say he could electronically locate it but that would run about $250 
and that the line should be in that general area I was speaking of and we 
should be able to find it.  he actually encouraged me to have my husband do 
this work or to hire someone else to dig the hole as he said I did not want to 
pay him to dig a hole.  My theory is he is really a nice guy and was trying to 
help me out, or he hates to dig holes. :)

Oh, and we have been told by two different plumbing companies that the opening 
on the side of the house is not big enough for the new machines.

We have a regular snake and have run it down the toilet in the half bath.  
Should I give it a try on the kitchen sink or on that outside opening?  What 
kind of damage might I do?


  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Ron Yearns 
  Sent: Wednesday, April 30, 2008 1:37 PM
  Subject: Re: [BlindHandyMan] I am back and have a sewer line problem.

  Is the cleanout you mentioned on the kitchen accessible from outside the 
house. That should be considered a ground level cleanout unless the kitchen is 
on the second floor. Has a snake been put down this cleanout? Approximately 
what size, diameter is this clean out plug? If you have been talking with a 
plumber, did he talk anything about using a electronic pipe locater to find the 
route this pipe takes. Do you know where the main city sewer is? Is there a 
manhole cover that might line up with your property? This could give you an 
idea of the depth and possible direction change. This of course depends on if 
there is a lateral main and other houses are tied in also. You might try 
probing with a steel rod in the bottom of your hole to see if you can find a 
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Jennifer Jackson 
  Sent: Wednesday, April 30, 2008 12:52 PM
  Subject: [BlindHandyMan] I am back and have a sewer line problem.

  Hey Guys,

  Please do not take this badly, :) but I am back because of a desperate 
problem that I know you all can help me with. Even if that help is have a drink 
and call the plumber. :) I noticed some new names in the digest, so I will take 
just a moment to introduce myself and then get right to my sewer problem.

  I am Jennifer and I live in Oklahoma with my three young sons and my husband. 
I am not very handy, but have learned so much from this list in the past and 
gained a lot of confidence about what I can do myself.

  Ok, here we go with the sewer line. I have a partial block. Enough of a block 
that my washing machine and dishwasher back up and send water over flowing out 
of the half bath there by the laundry room. As you can imagine this does not 
make me very happy, though my floors are looking extra clean these days from 
the bleach water and other detergents. :) We tried some nasty chemicals and the 
snake on the line and no luck. It turns out that we do not have a ground level 
clean out for the plumbers to use so our home warranty is not going to cover 
this either.

  So now we are trying to install the ground level clean out, but we can not 
find the sewer line. We have a clean out just outside the kitchen sink on the 
wall of the house and the plumber said that most likely our sewer line will run 
straight out from there. There is about ten feet of concrete between the house 
and the yard though and we have been told that may mean it is as much as four 
to six feet deep that far out. We had the electric and what not lines marked 
and have a pretty narrow window to dig in to find this stupid line. We are now 
just over four and a half feet down and into hard packed clay. Should we try 
widening the trench before we go deeper? Any other tips or suggestions? 


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