It gets a little complex, but actually by connecting the parallel wires 
in a coil like that together, you've caused a mighty  phase cancelation and \
defeated the purpose of the long wire.

What you want is either an antenna that's tuned to the frequency you want
to hear, hard because you want them all, or as much wire spread out
as much as possible.  Even a single wire coiled up is going to look to
the radio like a large inductance and not have much area 
coverage, so won't do much good.

I'd spend some extra on an "active" short wave antenna, i think C Crane
sells one..  These are a moderately sized whip with an amplifier
and some tuning circuitry in the base.  It means you have to "peak" the
tuner at each frequency you want, but if you can't put up an outdoor
long wire, this kind of thing is about as good as
you can do.

If your home has metal rain gutters you can try a wire out
a window to a downspout, but there are issues with non conductive
joins and so on so that the results are likely to be 
varriable at best.

There are "resonant' receiving loop antennas but they're good for only a 
limited frequency band, and are a bit hard to build.  Just small loops of
wire don't do well at all.

Tom Fowle WA6IVG

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