An antenna can be mounted on a grounded mast and be grounded itself 
without much loss of signal if any loss at all.
     Let us say we want to do a CB antenna.  they are considered in or near the 
meter range.  All that means is at the frequencies they run, if one cycle is 
stretched out, it will be almost one meter long at the speed they travel.
     Lets make an antenna for a meter band radio.  What we need is a conductor 
about one meter long give or take, or I think it is closer to 37 inches, just 
shy of a meter.  Not to get to technical; but the frequency will oscillate with 
something about its wave length.
     It will also work with a half wave length, quarter wave length, one eight 
wave length, double wave length, triple wave length, whatever.  You can see how 
this is going.  
     A pica farad capacitor can be put in line to filter said frequency to 
radio receiver unit, blocking others.  there again a larger cap can be used and 
tied to ground to filter lower frequencies out.
     When it comes to antenna, what works where you are just might not work for 
the next guy.  All the time while the mast is grounded.  Lighting starts from 
the ground and goes up to meet the charge in the air.  Chances of ever having a 
radio hit if the mast is grounded is almost nothing.

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