For many years, on public radio, we had Doctor H P Herbert giving his down 
to earth tips on family health.  This programme was scheduled to air for six 
weeks!   Doctor Herbert made his last broadcast 48 years later, when he 
retired at the age of 80.

Them were the days weren't they folks?

I am a great believer in the medicinal uses of epsom salts, and I remember 
that several of Doctor Herbert's tips contained this highly versatile 
The ones I remember are:
  for a deeply -embedded splinter.  put a layer of epsom salts on a piece of 
lint;  place it over the site of the splinter and sticking plaster it in 
place.  The epsom salts will draw the splinter towards the surface so that 
it can be easily removed.
Do the same if a finger or toe has been poisoned by the intrusion of a thorn 
etc.  A good homemade ointment is to heat glycerine and mix in epsom salts. 
It will have to be heated before application as the two ingredients tend to 
separate when cold.
Mixed with water, it makes a great eye wash.
If your feet are tired and sore, make up an epsom salts bath in which to 
soak the poor abused members.
and for the garden:  if your lawn is infested with broad-leafed plants such 
as dandelion,  with a knife, cut them off at or below soil level and then 
coat the raw stump with  epsom salts.  This will cause the stumps to bleed 
profusely, thus causing the plant's demise.
In fact, if all else fails:  give epsom salts a whirl!


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