Dan!  I guess that you have learned, may I say "at long last" that a mix of 
hands, live wires and water do not good companions make!

        Jewel----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Dan Rossi" <d...@andrew.cmu.edu>
To: "Blind Handyman List" <BlindHandyman@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2009 1:38 PM
Subject: [BlindHandyMan] Score one for D I Y

> Chalk up another point for a do it yourself repair.
> Saturday morning Teresa and I did our biweekly strip trip, where we go to
> an area of Pittsburgh called the strip district.  This isn't the cheap,
> sleezy bar district, (we do that on alternate Friday nights), this is the
> area where all the ethnic food markets are.  We have breakfast at an
> Italian cafe, shop in Italian, Greek, Indian, and Korean grocery stores,
> then have lunch at a Mexican taco stand.
> Anyway, we get home, drop off the groceries, and are preparing to head
> back out to pick up some more gravel at Lowes.  I decide to grab a glass
> of water before leaving and go back into the kitchen.  I notice a sound.
> A sound like running water.  I step over to the basement door, dread
> filling my heart.  I open the door and sure enough, I hear the washing
> machine filling.  Normally, this wouldn't induce any kind of panic in me,
> however, I knew that Teresa had thrown a load of laundry in before we left
> the house at 9:00 and it was now after noon.  The washer should not have
> still been running.
> I ran down the stairs and sure enough, the washer was over flowing and
> water was running down the floor to the drain.  I pushed the knob in and
> out expecting the water to stop, thinking that maybe the timer thing had
> jammed.  No dice.  So I shut the water off at the inlet.  I popped the top
> of the washer up and started feeling around inside to see what I could
> see.  Just around the time that I thought I should unplug the washer, my
> hand came in contact with a lovely set of live wires.  Lit me up pretty
> good too.
> Sooo, I unplugged the damn thing and began investigating some more.  I
> eventually settled on the thought that the solenoid that controls the cold
> water had failed open.  I removed the pack that contained the two
> solenoids and applied some percussive maintenance.  I could blow air
> through the cold water valve but not the hot side.  I tried to disassemble
> it, but the pack was pretty much sealed.
> Teresa got some parts numbers off of it, did some searching on line and
> ordered the $24 part with six bucks shipping.  It arrived Tuesday evening
> and after a bit of screwing around because the mounting bracket was a bit
> different, and the stupid cheap, plastic threads on the hose connection
> kept cross threading, I finally got it put together and we ran a wash
> through and all was well.
> When we started, Teresa was convinced we were going to have to get a brand
> new washer.  Thirty bucks later, we no longer needed a new washer.  Well,
> we kind of do want a new one, but we don't have to run out in a panic and
> buy one without research or benefit of waiting for a sale.
> Score one for D I Y.
> -- 
> Blue skies.
> Dan Rossi
> Carnegie Mellon University.
> E-Mail: d...@andrew.cmu.edu
> Tel: (412) 268-9081
> ------------------------------------
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