to my knowledge Lenny there is no longer any  tool rental  places in 
our county. there is one plumbing firm who has the contract for the  
roto rooter with those cutting blades and there   is a woman who has 
the Lady rooter. she has a high   pressured water blasting system.  I 
thought we were in good shape with our otside plumbing.  sewer line as 
it is a  straight shot to the street with cast iron  installed in 1978 
but I am told by plumbers that this clay soil we have will crush and 
move cast iron . it is exactly 43 feet from inside my  basement wall to 
the main  town sewer line  as we marked if off on our one inch wide  
flat snake. . I also found out we can dig and install our new sewer line  
up to the edge of the blacktop and then the town says we  need a 
professional  plumber to  rip up the edge of the street and do a 
connection to the town linebut that sewer line job is still on the" 
to-do  " list.  Lee

On Sun, 
Jan 03, 2010 
at 06:32:08AM 
-0500, Lenny McHugh wrote:
> I have a friend that owns a tool rental shop. He has a power drainer that he 
> will only rent the root cutting one to a licensed plumber. One guy came in 
> and insisted upon  renting that unit. He told Frank that he worked with a 
> plumber for ten years and has used the machine in the past. Frank made him 
> sign a paper stating that the shop is not responsable for any damage caused 
> by the machine. The unit came with 25 feet of  cable. Shortly after the guy 
> came back for more cable for the machine. He was given another 50 feet. 
> about an hour later he came back for more cable. After he had about 200 feet 
> he brought the machine back. He told Frank that when he was out about 180 
> feet the neighbor called him asking what is that thing flying around in my 
> yard.
>  He actually cut through his drain line about 3 feet from where he fed in 
> the cleaner. Frank drove past the guy's home the next day and there was a 
> back hoe in the front yard.
> He  will never again rent that machine to anyone but a licensed plumbing 
> contractor that shows proof of insurance.
> ---
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You worry too much about your job.  Stop it.  You are not paid enough to worry.

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