
I think you raise some excellent points. I guess each person or couple need
to decide what is important and make decisions accordingly. I do think being
without a vehicle is much easier if you live in a large metropolitan area.
Where my wife and I reside it "could" be doable but would involve as you
point out much waiting and some inconvenience on friends etc. If you have a
modestly priced vehicle the costs are not exorbitant. Bottom line is
whatever decision a family makes it comes with some cost

Al -----Original Message-----
From: []on
Behalf Of Tom Hodges
Sent: Wednesday, February 03, 2010 8:32 AM
Subject: RE: [BlindHandyMan] Zip Car.

  For us, life is too short to be spending it without a vehicle. My wife
  would be gone two hours longer each day if she had to find other
  transportation to go to and from work. Also, waiting for a cab around here
  can take an hour or so going and the same returning. I'd rather pay the
  cost of vehicle ownership than to waste hour after hour waiting for
  transportation and I certainly wouldn't burden my friends or relatives for
  rides. Life is just too short. We have a van so anything we buy, including
  sheets of plywood or drywall can easily be transported in any weather. If
  no one in the house is sighted or can't drive for some other reason,
  another story. But, if someone can drive, why spend valuable time looking
  for and waiting for a way to get somewhere. Do you think we could get a
  half dozen sheets of drywall on a public bus?

  From: []
  On Behalf Of jim
  Sent: Tuesday, February 02, 2010 10:09 PM
  Subject: Re: [BlindHandyMan] Zip Car.

  this is funny
  living with out a car is not an option out here were i live12 miles from
  nearest town.
  jim in minnesota

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