
That is a choice that you and your wife made, but it isn't one I am 
willing to make.

I live in a city where need of a car is limited.  I walk to work, or
take the bus, and it takes me a lot less time to get to work than many of 
the people I work with who drive taking long commutes fighting their way 
through traffic.  My wife and I own a vehicle, but it is a small fuel 
efficient vehicle.  For the handful of times a year I need a large 
vehicle, it would be extremely wasteful to drive a large van around the 
rest of the time.

Also, I utterly refuse to live somewhere, where as a blind person, I am 
trapped in my home without the ability to get anywhere other than by 
having someone else drive me there.  I can easily walk to the grocery 
store, three blocks away, walk to coffee shops, pharmacies, liquor store, 
restaurants, blah blah blah, and I can do it without having to require a 
sighted person to drive me there.

There are always trade-offs though.  I live in a very small home.  I have 
very little property.  It is a town house so I have to be that much more 
respectful and tolerant of my neighbors.  We do not have off street 
parking.  I pay higher taxes.

But for me personally, and it is my choice, and others will have made 
different choices, but for me, the fact that I can live my life 
independently, have a very short commute to and from work, make a fraction 
of an environmental impact do to driving so little, and living in a small 
house is much more important to me than the alternative.

We are getting way outside of the topic for this list though, so I will 
say no more on the topic.

Blue skies.
Dan Rossi
Carnegie Mellon University.
Tel:    (412) 268-9081

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