Hello there.

I'm considering, with permission from my landlord renovating the kitchen 
counters and cubbords. One thing that I want to do is put an oak trim along 
the counter edge instead of the same material that is on the counter 
already. The cubbords are made of MDF and I like that for the shelves but 
wish to put oak or an Oak finish so it looks like oak but really isn't to 
the untrained eye. I would keep the shelves the same but put oak in the 
doors and the frame would be oak. thought about having an oak trim and then 
putting oak plywood in the middle and using a router to shape it so it had a 
little decorative look to it. I also want to extend the counter to the 
stove, it's in a corner is where I would want to put the extention so that I 
could put coffee pots or microwave there and have more room on top of the 
counter where the microwave is now for food prep. I know that I would have 
to have a angled cut but trying to figure out how I would attach it to the 
counter already there? There also is a plug beneath where the counter is 
right now where I'm considering putting this extra counter. I would have to 
have a space by the wall to drop the chords, or I could get the landlord, 
who is an electrission to raise the plug so that I could put the extention 
right up to the wall. I was looking at using two-by-twos to attach to the 
counter already and against the back wall. I also would like to take the 
bathroom counters and fix the drawer so that it roles out instead of pulling 
out and also doing the same with the oak, I think I would completely redue 
the cabinets keeping the counter top the same but putting an oak trim on the 
edge and doing the cabbinets in oak. Let me know what you all think. Any 
suggestions would be great.


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