Al, I'm not sure that it is a good idea for the 
boards to be touching.  Moisture can gather 
between the boards and rot the wood.  Others will know better than I.

earlier, Alan & Terrie Robbins, wrote:
>I am replacing the surface of my 12 by 16 deck with 16 foot
>long five quarter by 6 decking. I remember the last time I
>did this when getting to the last 3 to 4 foot of each board
>it would become necessary to pry the board over to have it
>remain tight with the previous one installed. This gets a
>bit tricky when you also have to drill a pilot hole and
>drive deck screws. Do they make any type expandable clamping
>system to assist with this type task? I'm envisioning
>something like a threaded rod with some type crank on one
>end that could draw the parts together? It would need to be
>expandable by adding say additional 4 foot sections as
>needed. If they do make something like this I would have
>many different type uses for it. Would something like this
>be available at Home Depot? What would it be called. Thanks
>in advance for all replies

Currently in Ocala, Florida Mostly Cloudy, Mist 73°F Wind:Calm
Bank manager: A jerk who will lend you an 
umbrella when the sun is shining, and ask for it back when it starts to rain.
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