I can't do that job without going through half a role of paper towels. but 
they go nice into larger holes too.

On Fri, 27 Aug 2010, blake wrote:

> Hey all, ok so i decided if i messed things up bad with this stuff i would 
> call for help ahha. Anyway so this stuff that i have comes with a puddy knife 
> that i haven't found much use for as of yet. I have been just taking this 
> stuff and basicly smearing it in to the whole with my fingers until it gets 
> over the whole and then i just wait for it to dry. The reason i want it to 
> come up over the whole a bit is so that i can make sure that it got in there 
> really good. Im going to be sanding it down anyway so i don't guess it 
> matters. So is your fingers the best thing for this that you have found? Or 
> have some of you used the puddy knife or a different way of doing this? The 
> problem that i have is that after a while you tend to get allot of your 
> fingers and its hard to tell whats in the whole and what is just sticking to 
> your fingers. Anyway any help guys? The stuff that i got just dries and when 
> it does its like a pouder. Should i use tape at all? Thanks.
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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