On Fri, Sep 10, 2021 at 7:17 AM 'Arthur Sonzogni' via blink-dev <
blink-dev@chromium.org> wrote:

> Contact emailsarthursonzo...@chromium.org, cl...@chromium.org,
> mk...@chromium.org
> Explainerhttps://github.com/WICG/credentiallessness
> Specificationhttps://wicg.github.io/credentiallessness/

Note also that Arthur has done the right thing here and submitted PRs to
upstream the monkeypatch spec into HTML and Fetch:

   - https://github.com/whatwg/html/pull/6638
   - https://github.com/whatwg/fetch/pull/1229

Both have gotten pretty thorough reviews, which increases my confidence
we're trying to ship something interoperably implementable. Yay!

> Design docs
> https://github.com/WICG/credentiallessness
> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1U1pDzS_WJpfkq6QqOeqgmXmba_I4tIbUR-5C1AHzI9o/edit#
> Summary
> Introduce Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy: credentialless. This causes
> cross-origin no-cors requests to omit credentials (cookies, client
> certificates, etc). Similarly to COEP:require-corp, it can enable
> cross-origin isolation.
> Blink componentBlink>SecurityFeature
> <https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/list?q=component:Blink%3ESecurityFeature>
> Search tagscoep <https://chromestatus.com/features#tags:coep>,
> credentialless <https://chromestatus.com/features#tags:credentialless>,
> coop <https://chromestatus.com/features#tags:coop>, crossoriginisolation
> <https://chromestatus.com/features#tags:crossoriginisolation>,
> crossOriginisolated
> <https://chromestatus.com/features#tags:crossOriginisolated>
> TAG reviewhttps://github.com/w3ctag/design-reviews/issues/582
> TAG review statusPending
> Link to origin trial feedback summary
> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Rcho9z8obW0A7aeM3Zz1QR3fN7KcmTHgjdF_mKEXiRQ
> Risks
> Interoperability and Compatibility
> Compatibility risk: This is an opt-in new feature, so there are no
> compatibility risks. Interoperability risk: New feature. Risk is failing to
> become an interoperable part of the web platform.
> Gecko: Worth prototyping (
> https://github.com/mozilla/standards-positions/issues/539#issuecomment-867473836
> )
> Worth prototyping, but concerns are about the timing in between shipping:
> COEP:credentialless, Private Network Access (PNA), ORB. See
> https://github.com/mozilla/standards-positions/issues/539#issuecomment-914418485
> WebKit: No signal (
> https://lists.webkit.org/pipermail/webkit-dev/2021-June/031898.html)
> No official replies yet. Safari is currently implementing COOP/COEP, but
> have no plan yet about COEP:credentialless variant:
> https://twitter.com/mikewest/status/1434878018191826948<
> Web developers: Positive (
> https://github.com/WICG/proposals/issues/31#issuecomment-858822619)
> Google Earth, Twitter, Zoom, etc... are positive.
> Ergonomics
> Similarly to the existing COEP:require-corp, it will also be often used in
> tandem with Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy: same-origin (COOP)
> Activation
> This is an HTTP header. Developers need to be able to configure their
> server. This is hard for them when hosting their page on servers they don't
> really own, like https://github.io pages.
> Debuggability
> The same devtool features as for COEP:require-corp: 1. Display COEP
> policy: Devtool > Application > Frames > top > Security & Isolation >
> Cross-Origin Embedder Policy. 2. Devtool issues:
> https://source.chromium.org/search?q=file:devtools-frontend%2Fsrc%2Ffront_end%2Fmodels%2Fissues_manager%2Fdescriptions%2FCoep*&ss=chromium
> <https://source.chromium.org/search?q=file%3Adevtools-frontend%2Fsrc%2Ffront_end%2Fmodels%2Fissues_manager%2Fdescriptions%2FCoep%2A&ss=chromium>
> Is this feature fully tested by web-platform-tests
> <https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src/+/master/docs/testing/web_platform_tests.md>
> ?Yes
> Flag namechrome://flags/#cross-origin-embedder-policy-credentialless
> Requires code in //chrome?False
> Tracking bughttps://crbug.com/1175099
> Launch bughttps://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=1218896
> Measurement
> https://chromestatus.com/metrics/feature/timeline/popularity/3881
> Sample links
> http://coep-credentialless.glitch.me/
> Estimated milestones
> OriginTrial desktop last 95
> OriginTrial desktop first 93
> DevTrial on desktop 93
> OriginTrial android last 95
> OriginTrial android first 93
> DevTrial on android 93
> DevTrial on Webview 93
> Link to entry on the Chrome Platform Status
> https://chromestatus.com/feature/4918234241302528
> Links to previous Intent discussionsIntent to prototype:
> https://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/g/blink-dev/c/DOtU6R4TuAY/m/kPbID-LAAQAJ
> Intent to Experiment:
> https://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/g/blink-dev/c/Sdc0G1bvKr0/m/YHR8RuWyAAAJ
> This intent message was generated by Chrome Platform Status
> <https://www.chromestatus.com/>.
> Arthur @arthursonzogni
> --
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