
When are you planning to ship?
Joe Medley | Technical Writer, Chrome DevRel | jmed...@google.com |
*If an API's not documented it doesn't exist.*

On Fri, Jan 7, 2022 at 1:17 PM Colm O Flynn <colm.ofl...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Quick question in relation to this.
> Is there any debug logging one can enable if one thinks that the browser
> is re-claiming files deleted from the temporary file system?
> i.e. Where the browser would log that is deleting file x because storage
> limit has been hit?
> Thanks in advance
> On Thursday, August 5, 2021 at 11:18:30 PM UTC+1 Marijn Kruisselbrink
> wrote:
>> On Thu, Aug 5, 2021 at 2:41 PM Alex Russell <sligh...@chromium.org>
>> wrote:
>>> Do we have stats on potential storage pressure evictions that would be
>>> changed as a result of this change (as that appears to be the only place
>>> behavior differs)? And is there any UI that we display (e.g. in
>>> cache/storage clearing) that will be affected?
>> Good questions. No, I don't think we have stats that would tell us
>> potential changes to storage pressure evictions as a result of this change.
>> Data stored in the persistent file system would indeed go from never being
>> evicted today to being evicted with all other data an origin stores. Having
>> said that, in more than 99.9% of the cases where we evict data, that data
>> has been last accessed years ago.
>> As far as affected UI, the current UI isn't very good in displaying this
>> legacy persistent storage. I don't expect any of the storage management UI
>> to change, if anything getting rid of persistent quota will mean less
>> chance for bugs where we might inadvertently not count or include
>> persistent storage when displaying information about a site. The main thing
>> that will change UI wise is that there will no longer be a "foo.com
>> wants to permanently store data on your device" permission prompt that
>> accompanied usage of persistent quota.
>>> On Thursday, July 29, 2021 at 4:13:57 PM UTC-7 Chris Harrelson wrote:
>> LGTM2
>>>> On Wed, Jul 28, 2021 at 9:48 AM Yoav Weiss <yoav...@chromium.org>
>>>> wrote:
>>> Thanks for clarifying! This seems like a low risk indeed.
>>>>> *LGTM1* to deprecate and remove (while keeping track of related
>>>>> issue, just in case)
>>>>> On Wed, Jul 28, 2021 at 6:41 PM Marijn Kruisselbrink <
>>>>> m...@chromium.org> wrote:
>>>> To elaborate a bit more on the potential for breakage, I believe the
>>>>>> only way a website could be truly broken from this change is if it 
>>>>>> somehow
>>>>>> relies on temporary and persistent quota being separate buckets. Not sure
>>>>>> what kind of logic they would have to employ to actually be broken by 
>>>>>> that
>>>>>> no longer being the case though. As such my expectation is that it is
>>>>>> extremely unlikely that any site will be broken by this. Certainly none 
>>>>>> of
>>>>>> the sites in httparchive I looked at.
>>>>> On Mon, Jul 26, 2021 at 1:25 PM Marijn Kruisselbrink <
>>>>>> m...@chromium.org> wrote:
>>>>> On Mon, Jul 26, 2021 at 2:26 AM Yoav Weiss <yoav...@chromium.org>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Since the 0.4% usage numbers are suspected to be a very loose
>>>>>>>> upper-bound, I wonder what's the best strategy here.
>>>>>>>> Is there a way to use-count cases where storage quota would run out
>>>>>>>> as temporary but not as persistent?
>>>>>>> Good question. I think today we actually generally allow websites to
>>>>>>> store much more data in the temporary quota bucket than in the 
>>>>>>> persistent
>>>>>>> quota bucket. The latter is capped at 10GB, while the former in our
>>>>>>> histograms is more than 10GB 97% of the time on desktop, and even on 
>>>>>>> mobile
>>>>>>> is larger than that 80% of the time (and actual usage doesn't tend to 
>>>>>>> get
>>>>>>> anywhere remotely near these amounts in the vast majority of cases). So
>>>>>>> even if websites that are using the persistent file system are on 
>>>>>>> average
>>>>>>> using a lot more data than other websites, in the majority of cases that
>>>>>>> should keep working just the same way.
>>>>>>>> If not, are you planning to roll this out with a kill-switch while
>>>>>>>> monitoring filed issues for breakage?
>>>>>>> The described approach was intentionally picked to minimize the risk
>>>>>>> of breakage, as such I'm fairly confident that just rolling out the 
>>>>>>> change
>>>>>>> directly and relying on dev & beta coverage for issues should be safe
>>>>>>> enough. Having to support persistent quota for longer will make some 
>>>>>>> other
>>>>>>> ongoing projects/refactoring in the area more challenging, so the 
>>>>>>> sooner we
>>>>>>> could get rid of the code the better. But if you feel the risk might be 
>>>>>>> too
>>>>>>> high we certainly could roll this out with a kill-switch, we'd just 
>>>>>>> prefer
>>>>>>> not to.
>>>>>> On Fri, Jul 23, 2021 at 6:21 PM Marijn Kruisselbrink <
>>>>>>>> m...@chromium.org> wrote:
>>>>>>> On Thu, Jul 22, 2021 at 11:52 PM Mike West <mk...@chromium.org>
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Hey folks!
>>>>>>>>>> I'm quite supportive of deprecating the entire
>>>>>>>>>> `webkitRequestFileSystem` API, and this seems like a reasonable 
>>>>>>>>>> first step.
>>>>>>>>>> I appreciate the data you've gathered thus far through HTTP Archive, 
>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>> your analysis matches my suppositions: incognito detection drove 
>>>>>>>>>> much of
>>>>>>>>>> the usage, and since that abuse doesn't even work anymore
>>>>>>>>>> <https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=1017120>,
>>>>>>>>>> the API serves little purpose.
>>>>>>>>>> That said, 0.4% is a lot of percent. Is there a migration story
>>>>>>>>>> for folks who were using it in good faith? You pointed to one or two 
>>>>>>>>>> sites
>>>>>>>>>> in your analysis that seemed to be doing so: would we just wipe 
>>>>>>>>>> user's
>>>>>>>>>> previously-persistent data, or would it be transparently switched to
>>>>>>>>>> temporary storage?
>>>>>>>>> It perhaps wasn't entirely clear from what we wrote (and reading
>>>>>>>>> the explainer/design doc again, I agree it is sort of unclear), but 
>>>>>>>>> what
>>>>>>>>> we're proposing won't cause any API call that previously worked to no
>>>>>>>>> longer do anything. We will still (for now) support
>>>>>>>>> `webkitRequestFileSystem`, both with PERSISTENT and TEMPORARY 
>>>>>>>>> options, and
>>>>>>>>> both those will still give you separate file systems. I.e. sites using
>>>>>>>>> either of both of these will keep working. What will change is the 
>>>>>>>>> quota
>>>>>>>>> treatment of the PERSISTENT file system. I.e. we will start counting 
>>>>>>>>> usage
>>>>>>>>> of the persistent file system against the same quota as all other 
>>>>>>>>> storage
>>>>>>>>> APIs. Concretely for websites that means that
>>>>>>>>> `navigator.webkitPersistentStorage` will alias
>>>>>>>>> `navigator.webkitTemporaryStorage`, and similarly the methods on
>>>>>>>>> `window.webkitStorageInfo` will start ignoring the "type" parameter 
>>>>>>>>> (as
>>>>>>>>> long as it is one of TEMPORARY or PERSISTENT).
>>>>>>>>> With this, the expectation is that the number of websites that
>>>>>>>>> would actually be broken by this should be much much less than 0.4%. 
>>>>>>>>> It's
>>>>>>>>> hard to put an exact number on it, since we're not currently 
>>>>>>>>> proposing to
>>>>>>>>> make any API not work anymore, rather we're slightly changing the 
>>>>>>>>> behavior
>>>>>>>>> of some of the legacy methods. A hypothetical website that somehow 
>>>>>>>>> relies
>>>>>>>>> on temporary and persistent quota being separate could be broken by 
>>>>>>>>> this,
>>>>>>>>> although I'm not sure how such reliance would have to work to actually
>>>>>>>>> cause issues.
>>>>>>>>> We did consider more "aggressive" breakage of PERSISTENT, for
>>>>>>>>> example by making it an alias for TEMPORARY when passed to
>>>>>>>>> `webkitRequestFileSystem`. But as you point out, that would then 
>>>>>>>>> require
>>>>>>>>> some kind of migration story, and would increase the risk of breakage 
>>>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>>>> otherwise well-intentioned websites, without having significant extra
>>>>>>>>> benefits. I.e. merely changing how PERSISTENT is treated for quota 
>>>>>>>>> purposes
>>>>>>>>> gets us all the same benefits for reducing code complexity and 
>>>>>>>>> eliminating
>>>>>>>>> confusing UI.
>>>>>>>>> Also, I note that third-party usage of PERSISTENT is quite low,
>>>>>>>>>> hovering around 0.0003% (
>>>>>>>>>> https://www.chromestatus.com/metrics/feature/timeline/popularity/3879).
>>>>>>>>>> I wonder if there's an opportunity to simply break it in those 
>>>>>>>>>> contexts?
>>>>>>>>>> Have you done any analysis on that subset of pages?
>>>>>>>>> Good question, I don't think we've looked into that yet. While
>>>>>>>>> good for the web (in that we'd be getting rid of some portion of a
>>>>>>>>> chrome-only API) doing so wouldn't help us much with implementation
>>>>>>>>> complexity etc, so the benefits are fairly minimal.
>>>>>>>>>> Also also, I'm also somewhat dismayed to note that TEMPORARY
>>>>>>>>>> usage is at 10% of page views (
>>>>>>>>>> https://www.chromestatus.com/metrics/feature/timeline/popularity/2996).
>>>>>>>>>> That's high! Can I safely assume that that's overwhelmingly incognito
>>>>>>>>>> detection as well? If so, is there a path to removal?
>>>>>>>>> A large part of that probably is incognito detection, yes. However
>>>>>>>>> there are a number of big websites/partners that are still relying on
>>>>>>>>> webkitRequestFileSystem as well. Long term we definitely would like to
>>>>>>>>> deprecate  and remove the entire `webkitRequestFileSystem` API (and 
>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>> various legacy quota APIs also involved in this intent), but 
>>>>>>>>> realistically
>>>>>>>>> this is not something we expect to be able to make much headway on in 
>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>> near future. On the deprecating storage APIs front we're first 
>>>>>>>>> focussing on
>>>>>>>>> WebSQL, as we feel removing that has a much bigger impact on security 
>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>> maintainability of the web. Getting rid of `webkitRequestFileSystem` 
>>>>>>>>> will
>>>>>>>>> be nice to get to a more cross-browser interoperable web, but the vast
>>>>>>>>> majority of the implementation is shared with other features, so the
>>>>>>>>> additional maintenance burden cause by keeping it around a bit longer 
>>>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>>>> fairly minimal.
>>>>>>>> From a process perspective, I'm comfortable both with this not
>>>>>>>>>> requiring signals from other vendors (as they've clearly expressed 
>>>>>>>>>> their
>>>>>>>>>> opinion that the spec is dead
>>>>>>>>>> <https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-webapps/2014AprJun/0010.html>),
>>>>>>>>>> and the TAG's input is likewise unnecessary IMO.
>>>>>>>>>> -mike
>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Jul 22, 2021 at 11:01 PM Chris Fredrickson <
>>>>>>>>>> cfre...@chromium.org> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> *Contact emails*
>>>>>>>>>>> cfre...@chromium.org, m...@chromium.org
>>>>>>>>>>> *Explainer*
>>>>>>>>>>> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Cm2Hv_-RMqQPqruGL2rUyiTRgqMyHMJbNyNvhLH6KWU/edit
>>>>>>>>>>> *Specification*
>>>>>>>>>>> None
>>>>>>>>>>> *Summary*
>>>>>>>>>>> We plan to deprecate and remove support of the
>>>>>>>>>>> `window.PERSISTENT` quota type in `webkitRequestFileSystem`.
>>>>>>>>>>> `webkitRequestFileSystem` will still accept a `type` parameter and 
>>>>>>>>>>> use of
>>>>>>>>>>> the PERSISTENT and TEMPORARY types will create filesystems with 
>>>>>>>>>>> separate
>>>>>>>>>>> roots, but the PERSISTENT type will no longer grant access to a 
>>>>>>>>>>> persistent
>>>>>>>>>>> filesystem.
>>>>>>>>>>> We will also modify `navigator.webkitPersistentStorage` to be an
>>>>>>>>>>> alias for `navigator.webkitTemporaryStorage`.
>>>>>>>>>>> Finally, we will also begin ignoring the `storageType` parameter
>>>>>>>>>>> (either `window.PERSISTENT` or `window.TEMPORARY`) in methods of the
>>>>>>>>>>> `webkitStorageInfo` API (which is deprecated).
>>>>>>>>>>> *Blink component*
>>>>>>>>>>> Blink>Storage
>>>>>>>>>>> <https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/list?q=component:Blink%3EStorage>
>>>>>>>>>>> *Motivation*
>>>>>>>>>>> Support for the PERSISTENT quota type contributes some amount of
>>>>>>>>>>> complexity to the quota system, but `webkitRequestFileSystem` is 
>>>>>>>>>>> the only
>>>>>>>>>>> consumer, with relatively low usage. Additionally, support for 
>>>>>>>>>>> persistent
>>>>>>>>>>> quota will hinder work on storage partitioning, so it would be 
>>>>>>>>>>> helpful to
>>>>>>>>>>> simplify the quota system prior to partitioning storage.
>>>>>>>>>>> *Initial public proposal*
>>>>>>>>>>> None
>>>>>>>>>>> *TAG review*
>>>>>>>>>>> None
>>>>>>>>>>> *TAG review status*
>>>>>>>>>>> Not applicable
>>>>>>>>>>> *Risks*
>>>>>>>>>>> Because we plan to just change the “lifetime” of the persistent
>>>>>>>>>>> filesystem (rather than, e.g., merging it with the temporary 
>>>>>>>>>>> filesystem),
>>>>>>>>>>> risks are fairly minimal. Usage of the PERSISTENT type with
>>>>>>>>>>> `webkitRequestFileSystem` is low, about 0.4% of pageloads
>>>>>>>>>>> <https://www.chromestatus.com/metrics/feature/timeline/popularity/2997>
>>>>>>>>>>> .
>>>>>>>>>>> Regarding making `navigator.webkitPersistentStorage` an alias
>>>>>>>>>>> for `navigator.webkitTemporaryStorage`, we believe this presents 
>>>>>>>>>>> the least
>>>>>>>>>>> risk, since this way the quota for the `window.PERSISTENT` 
>>>>>>>>>>> filesystem will
>>>>>>>>>>> still be accurately reported to sites that query it.
>>>>>>>>>>> Regarding ignoring `storageType`: since persistent quota will no
>>>>>>>>>>> longer exist, our choices are to ignore the storage type 
>>>>>>>>>>> completely, or
>>>>>>>>>>> throw an exception if kPersistent is used. The former presents the 
>>>>>>>>>>> least
>>>>>>>>>>> risk of breakage.
>>>>>>>>>>> *Interoperability and Compatibility*
>>>>>>>>>>> None. No other browser supports the APIs affected here.
>>>>>>>>>>> Gecko: No signal
>>>>>>>>>>> WebKit: No signal
>>>>>>>>>>> Web developers: No signals
>>>>>>>>>>> *Is this feature fully tested by web-platform-tests
>>>>>>>>>>> <https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src/+/master/docs/testing/web_platform_tests.md>?*
>>>>>>>>>>> No
>>>>>>>>>>> *Flag name*
>>>>>>>>>>> None
>>>>>>>>>>> *Link to entry on the Chrome Platform Status*
>>>>>>>>>>> https://chromestatus.com/feature/5176235376246784
>>>>>>>>>>> This intent message was generated by Chrome Platform Status
>>>>>>>>>>> <https://www.chromestatus.com/>.
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