On Mon, Feb 14, 2022 at 11:33 AM Noam Rosenthal <noam.j.rosent...@gmail.com>

> On Saturday, February 12, 2022 at 7:11:29 AM UTC+2 yoav...@chromium.org
> wrote:
>> I agree with Domenic that it's great to see this kind of feature, that
>> was traditionally unspecified, getting some clearer developer visibility
>> and a spec. While there may still be missing pieces, this seems like a good
>> start. I'm looking forward to further spec discussions that would hopefully
>> lead to convergence and better interop.
>> On Fri, Feb 11, 2022 at 11:39 PM Domenic Denicola <dom...@chromium.org>
>> wrote:
>>> On Fri, Feb 11, 2022 at 11:53 AM Olli Pettay <olli....@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> FWIW, the comment in the HTML spec triage was positive feedback to have
>>>> a spec for this.
>>>> The current spec proposal clearly is missing still quite a few cases
>>>> (is the idea really that one can use BroadcastChannel with prerendered
>>>> page? and the webidl annotation behaves rather oddly)
>>>> So it is surprising to see this shipping already now.
>>> Thanks for chiming in, Olli!
>>> I have a rather different take. As the team's spec mentor, I'm impressed
>>> with the spec work the team has done, on taking what most other browsers
>>> have treated as a not-to-be-specified user agent UI feature, and turning it
>>> into something much more rigorous and developer-friendly. For example:
>>>    - The careful auditing of all APIs to see how they should behave in
>>>    prerendering.
>>>    - Introducing a well-specified Sec-Purpose: prefetch header, instead
>>>    of the unspecified X-moz: prefetch or X-Purpose: preview headers.
>>>    - Considering how to handle edge cases such as redirects, 204s,
>>>    Content-Disposition: attachment, or pages that do client-side navigation
>>>    while being prerendered.
>>> I think there's definitely still work to be done, as we try to move from
>>> the current world where every browser does something different into one
>>> that's more fully predictable for web developers. But I think this is
>>> similar to other features, like bfcache, where for many years the
>>> heuristics and rules used were unspecified (e.g. Cache-Control, unload
>>> handlers, BroadcastChannel), and then we've started a slow convergence
>>> process as browsers start to care more about interoperability.
>>> We can definitely tweak things, like Olli's example of BroadcastChannel,
>>> over time and as other browsers indicate willingness to converge.
>> One potential problem with that approach is that sites may grow to rely
>> on that existence of e.g. BroadcastChannel and may break when we take that
>> away.
>> I don't think that's a risk for the current I2S, as developers are not
>> aware that the page is being prerendered outside of the page itself, so the
>> chances of them trying to communicate with it are low.
>> But that can be a risk for the speculation rules based API, which would
>> be good to mitigate.
>>> Re. BroadcastChannel and friends - it's a totally valid point and
> there's an open issue about it (
> https://github.com/WICG/nav-speculation/issues/113). I feel that we
> should examine these especially as we move from omnibox to
> document-initiated prerenering.

Yeah, just to be clear, I agree page-initiated prerendering multiplies the
risks significantly and will thus need more work.  I expect there will
still be some implementation-dependent behavior (e.g., some implementations
may discard a prerender if they use a disruptive API, while others might
delay the API results). But things like "does BroadcastChannel work at all
or not" are critical to nail down for interoperable page-initiated

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