Fixing the subject prefix, apologies.

On Mon, Mar 7, 2022 at 7:55 AM Ari Chivukula <> wrote:

> Contact emails
> Design Doc
> Specification
> Summary
> The Sec-CH-Save-Data client hint
> <> indicates whether
> the user agent intends to reduce data usage. It will be sent by default on
> all requests unless the permissions policy says otherwise.
> For example, one could limit delegation of this hint via HTTP headers:
> Permissions-Policy: ch-save-data=(self,
> Or, one could limit delegation of this hint via an HTML meta tag:
> <meta name="Accept-CH" content="sec-ch-save-data=(">
> Example of new HTTP header when Data Saver is on:
> Sec-CH-Save-Data: ?1
> Example of new HTTP header when Data Saver is off:
> Sec-CH-Save-Data: ?0
> Explicitly requesting Sec-CH-Save-Data or modifying the CH-Save-Data
> permissions policy will prevent the old `Save-Data` header from being
> sent. Otherwise, the old header will not be affected.
> Blink component
> Blink>Network>ClientHints
> <>
> Motivation
> The current `Save-Data` header is sent when a browser or operating system
> data saver setting is on (e.g., Lite mode
> <>)
> for all first and third party requests, lives outside the client hints
> system <>, and is named
> improperly
> <>.
> `Sec-CH-Save-Data` will be a proper client hint and its delegation to third
> parties could be prevented via permissions policies
> <>
> .
> TAG review
> N/A (No new data is exposed that wasn't before)
> Compatibility
> The `Save-Data` header will not be removed, so adoption of
> `Sec-CH-Save-Data` is optional.
> Interoperability
> Gecko: Client Hints not yet implemented (considered non-harmful
> <>)
> WebKit: Client Hints not yet implemented
> Web developers: No feedback yet
> Debuggability
> N/A
> Is this feature fully tested by web-platform-tests?
> Not yet, but it will be. `Save-Data` tests are here
> <>.
> Tracking bug
> Link to entry on the Chrome Platform Status

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