Are there any future plans on eventually not honoring the Origin-Agent-Cluster: 
?0 to allow setting document.domain ? Or will this header always be honored 
I read on another site that this Origin-Agent-Cluster: ?0 will only be 
honored in secure context (example: https://) Is this true ? Will it also 
work in http:// ?

On Tuesday, December 14, 2021 at 6:09:07 AM UTC-8 

> Contact emails
> *,*Specification
> *Explainer: 
> <>HTML Spec draft: 
> <>*API spec
> *Yes*Summary
> *Change the default behavior of the Origin-Agent-Cluster: header / 
> document.domain settability.Presently, pages within Chromium have 
> site-keyed agent clusters by default, unless the Origin-Agent-Cluster: 
> header is explicitly set to true. This accommodates pages or frames which 
> want to access each other's state, despite being on different origins (but 
> within a site). This is fine for any pages that wish to do so, but because 
> a page *might* set document.domain later on, Chromium currently must use 
> site-keyed agent clusters for *all* pages by default even though the 
> overwhelming majority of pages do not ever make use of this (mis-)feature. 
> In turn, this requires Chromium to use sites as the basis for renderer 
> process isolation (via Site Isolation), which exposes origins to same-site 
> but cross-origin attacks involving compromised renderer processes or the 
> "Spectre" family of side-channel attacks.This proposal changes the default 
> behaviour of Origin-Agent-Cluster. From a developer's point of view, the 
> new default matches "Origin-Agent-Cluster: ?1". The initial implementation 
> will use origin-keyed agent clusters for all (non-opted out) origins, 
> without changing how many processes Chromium creates. Over time, we can 
> then adapt Chromium's isolation strategy towards origin-keyed processes 
> without further affecting web-visible behaviour.The developer-visible 
> aspect of this is that for pages with origin-keyed agent clusters, 
> document.domain is no longer settable. Thus, we have marked this intent as 
> a deprecation.Note that this proposal is about the default. Both modes - 
> site-keyed or origin-keyed agent clusters - remain available to any site, 
> but origin-keyed agent clusters change from opt-in to opt-out. The current 
> behaviour remains available by setting "Origin-Agent-Cluster: ?0".*Blink 
> component
> *Blink>SecurityFeature*TAG review
> * 
> <>(The thread is a bit 
> unwieldy, but there do not seem to be open issues.)*Risks: 
> Interoperability and Compatibility
> *No interoperability risks.*
> Compatibility risk exists, but is fairly small as document.domain is an 
> already deprecated feature. We’ve detailed UKM metrics in place and are 
> planning to reach out to top users as soon as we’ve LGTMs for the plan. 
> Current usage of the document.domain: 0.05% 
> <> of 
> page views rely upon document.domain to enable some cross-origin access 
> that wasn't otherwise possible. 0.24% 
> <> of 
> page views block same-origin access because only one side sets 
> document.domain. Both counters can be found on 
>, too.
> We’ve reached out in advance to 4 of the top current users - TL;DR Most of 
> their use cases could be achieved already by different APIs e.g. 
> Audio/video autoplay in iframes by adding the ‘autoplay’ attribute, support 
> chat deployed across subdomains.
> Gecko: Standards position request 
> <>. 
> (Provisionally "worth prototyping", but is open for additional 
> comments/opinions. Mozilla representatives also participated in the TAG 
> discussion. No concrete implementation plans were given.
> WebKit: 
> (No signals.)
> Web developers: No signals.
> Activation - Deprecation plan
> M98 - Add the devtools issue and warning incl. a blog post to 
> guide adoption
> *M98-M100 - Monitor use counters and reach out to current usersM101 - 
> Deprecate the feature by default. No reverse-origin trial is planned as the 
> ‘Origin-Agent-Cluster’ http header can be used to gain access to the 
> feature. SecurityThis change should be security-positive, since setting the 
> document.domain will not have any impact on the origin of the document any 
> more.*
> Debuggability
> *A deprecation warning will be added to DevTools console and to the issues 
> panel in M98, which will support current users to adopt. This warning will 
> file a deprecation report as well using the Reporting API, if so 
> configured.*Will this feature be supported on all six Blink platforms 
> (Windows, Mac, Linux, Chrome OS, Android, and Android WebView)?
> *Yes*Is this feature fully tested by web-platform-tests 
> <>
> ?
> *Are in place to test the current functionality 
> <>, and 
> will be adjusted within the M101 timeframe to ensure the feature is working 
> as intended.*Tracking bug
> * <>*Launch bug
> * <>*Link to entry on 
> the Chrome Platform Status
> (document.domain setter 
> deprecation)
> (Origin-keyed agent 
> clusters)

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