We've heard back from Cloudflare and Akamai who don't seem to depend on
this legacy Android behavior. This change is currently targeted for M104.

~ Ari Chivukula (Their/There/They're)

On Fri, Apr 8, 2022 at 8:01 AM Ari Chivukula <aric...@chromium.org> wrote:

> That's a good question! At the moment there isn't a plan to remove the
> legacy-named client hints (dpr, width, viewport-width, and device-memory).
> The messaging around this is a good opportunity to push users to the
> updated naming (sec-ch-dpr, sec-ch-width, sec-ch-viewport-width, and
> sec-ch-device-memory) as behavior is now identical, but until usage drops
> off no action will be taken. I doubt that will change until 2023.
> ~ Ari Chivukula (Their/There/They're)
> On Fri, Apr 8, 2022 at 1:43 AM Jon Arne Sæterås <
> jona...@scientiamobile.com> wrote:
>> Thank you for the ping Eric.
>> For ImageEngine <https://imageengine.io/>, the impact of removing the
>> legacy delegation behaviour of dpr, width, viewport-width, and
>> device-memory will be minor as ImageEngine has fallback mechanisms that
>> will limit any negative impact.
>> The challenge is more about how to communicate this to the users.
>> Specifically, a clear migration path to "reenable" client hints. The recent
>> support for markup based delegation will help a lot of course. Also, as
>> another motivation to make the change, it would be interesting to know when
>> the legacy key names dpr, width, viewport-width, and device-memory will not
>> be supported anymore. I mean, fully replaced by the sec-ch- prefixed
>> variants launched in M97.
>> On Thursday, April 7, 2022 at 11:33:53 PM UTC+2 ari...@chromium.org
>> wrote:
>>> Right now it's on track for M103, which has a branch cut in May and a
>>> release in June. I have no issue pushing this back to M104 (branch in June
>>> and release in July) to get a full 3 month buffer.
>>> Thanks for the outreach!
>>> ~ Ari Chivukula (Their/There/They're)
>>> On Thu, Apr 7, 2022 at 2:28 PM Eric Portis <er...@cloudinary.com> wrote:
>>>> We have a non-trivial amount of usage which is relies on the legacy
>>>> delegation behavior. We are working on outreach to will-be-affected
>>>> customers, alerting them to the change and trying to get them to switch
>>>> over to the new syntax. In at least a couple of cases the teams/devs that
>>>> implemented Cloudinary + Client Hints originally are long gone, which makes
>>>> things difficult... I think the most helpful thing for us would be a clear
>>>> switch-off deadline for the legacy behavior, at least a quarter or two out,
>>>> so that we can give customers a reason to make the change (but not panic
>>>> about it).
>>>> I know a couple of Cloudflare folks have been active in standards
>>>> discussions, and Jon Arne Sæterås at ScientaMobile has been an active
>>>> participant in a few Client Hints discussions, specifically. I'll ping them
>>>> on Twitter.
>>>> —
>>>> Eric Portis
>>>> Cloudinary
>>>> On Thursday, March 24, 2022 at 1:22:14 PM UTC-7 ari...@chromium.org
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> @Eric Portis I wanted to get a sense of whether this narrow change
>>>>> (not delegating to third-parties by default for dpr, width, 
>>>>> viewport-width,
>>>>> and device-memory on Android) would pose an issue for Cloudrinary and ask
>>>>> if you had contacts I could reach out to at other CDNs. I saw potential 
>>>>> use
>>>>> from Cloudflare <https://blog.cloudflare.com/early-hints/>, ImageKit
>>>>> <https://docs.imagekit.io/features/client-hints>, ImgIX
>>>>> <https://docs.imgix.com/tutorials/responsive-images-client-hints>,
>>>>> KeyCDN <https://www.keycdn.com/blog/client-hints>, and Peakhour
>>>>> <https://www.peakhour.io/docs/responsive-design/client-hints/> but
>>>>> haven't heard from them on this thread.
>>>>> ~ Ari Chivukula (Their/There/They're)
>>>>> On Sat, Mar 12, 2022 at 2:32 PM Ari Chivukula <ari...@chromium.org>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> The modern syntax (I assume you mean third-party delegation of client
>>>>>> hints via HTML) is shipping in M100 (stable release at the end of March).
>>>>>> There isn't a plan to remove any existing client hint names.
>>>>>> The question here is whether any websites are depending on dpr,
>>>>>> width, viewport-width, or device-memory being auto-delegated to all third
>>>>>> party sites when requested by a first party on Android. That's the legacy
>>>>>> behavior that's being proposed for removal (ideally with M102).
>>>>>> ~ Ari Chivukula (Their/There/They're)
>>>>>> On Fri, Mar 11, 2022 at 10:54 AM Eric Portis <er...@cloudinary.com>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Speaking on behalf of Cloudinary:
>>>>>>> - We've started treating the modern hints the same as the legacy
>>>>>>> hints, server-side
>>>>>>> - We've identified which customers who are sending us legacy hints
>>>>>>> and are working on an outreach plan
>>>>>>> It would be nice to have:
>>>>>>> - some certainty about the new HTML syntax. Is it likely to change
>>>>>>> after TAG review or other-implementer feedback?
>>>>>>> - a clear switch-off-date at least a quarter (or two!) out from the
>>>>>>> final modernized syntax shipping.
>>>>>>> Basically what we'd like to communicate is a clear action item with
>>>>>>> a non-panicky due date, with some assurance of finality after customers
>>>>>>> make (and are able to test) the change.
>>>>>>> On Wednesday, March 9, 2022 at 11:39:40 AM UTC-8 ari...@chromium.org
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> I haven't had issues loading those sites on Firefox mobile (which
>>>>>>>> doesn't have client hints), but haven't specifically tried loading 
>>>>>>>> them on
>>>>>>>> Chrome Android w/o hints enabled. It's true that we're betting on lower
>>>>>>>> dependency given this change only affects Chrome on Android (where the
>>>>>>>> default delegation was enabled), but it's worth asking a few CDNs to 
>>>>>>>> see if
>>>>>>>> this was a feature being depended on that HTTP Archive isn't surfacing.
>>>>>>>> Is there a good way to reach out to them? I can see documentation
>>>>>>>> from Cloudflare <https://blog.cloudflare.com/early-hints/>,
>>>>>>>> Cloudinary
>>>>>>>> <https://cloudinary.com/blog/client_hints_and_responsive_images_what_changed_in_chrome_67>
>>>>>>>> , ImageKit <https://docs.imagekit.io/features/client-hints>, ImgIX
>>>>>>>> <https://docs.imgix.com/tutorials/responsive-images-client-hints>,
>>>>>>>> KeyCDN <https://www.keycdn.com/blog/client-hints>, and Peakhour
>>>>>>>> <https://www.peakhour.io/docs/responsive-design/client-hints/> in
>>>>>>>> search results. I could try tagging some of them in a GitHub issue but
>>>>>>>> wasn't sure if there's a better way to reach a wider audience.
>>>>>>>> ~ Ari Chivukula (Their/There/They're)
>>>>>>>> On Wed, Mar 9, 2022 at 5:49 AM Daniel Bratell <brat...@gmail.com>
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> How can we get a good grip on the web compatibility of this
>>>>>>>>> change? The use counters are a high, but as you point out, the number 
>>>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>>>> sites that actually depend on the legacy client hints is lower. The
>>>>>>>>> question is just "how much lower?".
>>>>>>>>> You listed a number of affected sites. Has anyone checked what
>>>>>>>>> happens to those with the hints removed?
>>>>>>>>> /Daniel
>>>>>>>>> On 2022-03-07 16:56, Ari Chivukula wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Fixing the subject prefix, apologies.
>>>>>>>>> On Mon, Mar 7, 2022 at 7:54 AM Ari Chivukula <ari...@chromium.org>
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Contact emails
>>>>>>>>>> ari...@chromium.org, jadek...@chromium.org, mike...@chromium.org
>>>>>>>>>> Design Doc
>>>>>>>>>> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1igtMPtVTiX24bVaUo6tBgx3B16-HmUVPG7iDP5HkzD0/edit
>>>>>>>>>> Specification
>>>>>>>>>> https://wicg.github.io/client-hints-infrastructure/
>>>>>>>>>> Summary
>>>>>>>>>> One residue of the rapid Client Hints Infrastructure
>>>>>>>>>> <https://wicg.github.io/client-hints-infrastructure/> iteration
>>>>>>>>>> is the concept of a `legacy` client hint. It’s a set of 4 hints 
>>>>>>>>>> (`dpr`,
>>>>>>>>>> `width`, `viewport-width`, and `device-memory`) which have a default
>>>>>>>>>> allowlist of `self` (meaning that they are not sent to third-party
>>>>>>>>>> subresources unless delegated via Permissions Policy) but behave as 
>>>>>>>>>> though
>>>>>>>>>> they have a default allowlist of `*` (meaning they are sent to 
>>>>>>>>>> third-party
>>>>>>>>>> subresources as long as the first-party page requests them) on 
>>>>>>>>>> Android.
>>>>>>>>>> This `legacy` client concept on Android will be removed and a
>>>>>>>>>> permissions policy will be required to delegate the 4 affected 
>>>>>>>>>> hints. As of
>>>>>>>>>> M100, Markup based Client Hint Delegation
>>>>>>>>>> <https://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/g/blink-dev/c/JQ68cvYuiQU/m/bFjAWmy3AAAJ>
>>>>>>>>>> is now available to allow delegation via HTML instead of HTTP 
>>>>>>>>>> headers.
>>>>>>>>>> Blink component
>>>>>>>>>> Blink>Network>ClientHints
>>>>>>>>>> <https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/list?q=component%3ABlink%3ENetwork%3EClientHints>
>>>>>>>>>> Motivation
>>>>>>>>>> We want to bring these 4 hints in line with the spec; fixing this
>>>>>>>>>> will increase privacy on Android by requiring explicit delegation of 
>>>>>>>>>> these
>>>>>>>>>> hints.
>>>>>>>>>> TAG review
>>>>>>>>>> N/A (this change brings Android behavior in line with the spec
>>>>>>>>>> and better preserves privacy)
>>>>>>>>>> Compatibility
>>>>>>>>>> Websites visited by android devices that request the legacy
>>>>>>>>>> device-memory, dpr, width, and viewport-width would no longer have 
>>>>>>>>>> these
>>>>>>>>>> hints delegated by default to third-party subresources. This would 
>>>>>>>>>> match
>>>>>>>>>> the current behavior on desktop. Third-party subresources which need 
>>>>>>>>>> these
>>>>>>>>>> hints would need to get the first-party that loads them to adopt
>>>>>>>>>> HTTP
>>>>>>>>>> <https://w3c.github.io/webappsec-permissions-policy/#serialization>
>>>>>>>>>> or HTML
>>>>>>>>>> <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1U3P9yvaT1NXG_qRmY3Lp6Me7M5kTnd3QrBb1yFUVNNk/edit>
>>>>>>>>>> delegation of client hints. The design doc
>>>>>>>>>> <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1igtMPtVTiX24bVaUo6tBgx3B16-HmUVPG7iDP5HkzD0/edit>
>>>>>>>>>> has usage/top-site information, and outreach is underway to ensure
>>>>>>>>>> third-parties expecting this information are aware of the change. 
>>>>>>>>>> The sites
>>>>>>>>>> which require default third-party delegation of these hints are 
>>>>>>>>>> likely much
>>>>>>>>>> lower than the sites which incidentally do so by default. As we 
>>>>>>>>>> encourage
>>>>>>>>>> Client Hint adoption, we want to ensure dependency doesn’t form on 
>>>>>>>>>> legacy,
>>>>>>>>>> non-compliant behavior.
>>>>>>>>>> Interoperability
>>>>>>>>>> Gecko: Client Hints not yet implemented (considered non-harmful
>>>>>>>>>> <https://mozilla.github.io/standards-positions/#http-client-hints>
>>>>>>>>>> )
>>>>>>>>>> WebKit: Client Hints not yet implemented
>>>>>>>>>> Web developers: No feedback yet
>>>>>>>>>> Debuggability
>>>>>>>>>> N/A
>>>>>>>>>> Is this feature fully tested by web-platform-tests?
>>>>>>>>>> New WPT will be added to ensure these hints are not delegated by
>>>>>>>>>> default.
>>>>>>>>>> Tracking bug
>>>>>>>>>> https://crbug.com/1227043
>>>>>>>>>> Link to entry on the Chrome Platform Status
>>>>>>>>>> https://chromestatus.com/feature/5694492182052864
>>>>>>>>>> --
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