Hey Dominik,

Thanks for getting back to me, the detail on the syntax, and for the link 
to the explainer. Thanks also for correcting me regarding the TAG review. I 
feel much better about the proposal as a result of all of this detail.

On the CSS WG aspects, if features are developed w/ epxlainers like this, 
as long as we're going first, it might make sense to use OT to road-test 
them with developers, but I won't stand on it here as the explainer is 
clear and, presumably, developers will weigh in with their support.




On Friday, September 2, 2022 at 6:28:21 AM UTC-7 dr...@google.com wrote:

> Hi Theo,
> On Friday, September 2, 2022 at 3:07:04 PM UTC+2 Theodore Olsauskas-Warren 
> wrote:
>> (Chrome OWP Privacy reviewer drive-by)
>> I'm trying to understand whether the various tech() capabilities are 
>> directly derivable from already exposed information, and this is just a 
>> convenience, or whether otherwise identical UAs might give out different 
>> values based on the platform or user configuration. 
>> The privacy section in the spec about " What data does this specification 
>> expose to an origin?" seems silent on this,
> I think I answered a very similar privacy review question in the previous 
> iteration of this I2S, in this thread 
> <https://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/g/blink-dev/c/bCA9H3eaO3s/m/bjOhM6MLFQAJ>,
> does this help? In short, in Chrome it is almost equivalent to the user 
> agent major version, as we do not have platform specific differences in 
> this level of font stack functionality.  
> Hope this helps,
> Dominik
>> On Thursday, September 1, 2022 at 4:31:39 PM UTC+2 dr...@chromium.org 
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Yoav, Alex,
>>> Yoav wrote:
>>>> I think that a short explainer outlining exactly what you're planning 
>>>> to ship here and how you're expecting developers to use it would be 
>>>> helpful. Can you add one? (potentially even inline, if it's rather short)
>>> As Philip points out, the explainer can be found here 
>>> <https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/blob/main/css-fonts-4/src-explainer.md>
>>>  which 
>>> was also used for the previously filed TAG review. I just updated it for 
>>> the new syntax. My bad for not adding it in the initial post.
>>> Yoav, re your question what is it that I want to ship:
>>> Parsing and filtering resources in the @font-face src: descriptor line 
>>> in Blink does currently not understand the tech() function. I want to bring 
>>> Blink to the spec level, make it understand the tech() function and filter 
>>> fonts accordingly. That means not adding src: line components to the list 
>>> of font blobs to be downloaded which are not supported in Blink. E.g. 
>>> (features-graphite, color-SVG). CL for reference with feature behind 
>>> flag here 
>>> <https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/c/chromium/src/+/3856267>. 
>>> [...] and how you're expecting developers to use it would be helpful 
>>>> [...]
>>> The explainer lists 3 main use cases 
>>> <https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/blob/main/css-fonts-4/src-explainer.md#use-cases>
>>> . 
>>> For more context: 
>>> This intent to ship is a follow-up from an earlier attempt to ship a 
>>> previous 
>>> form of this feature and syntax 
>>> <https://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/g/blink-dev/c/bCA9H3eaO3s/m/pe7T3PFdAQAJ>.
>>> In the I2S then a TAG review was requested, *TAG review here* 
>>> <https://github.com/w3ctag/design-reviews/issues/666>. 
>>> The TAG suggested changes 
>>> <https://github.com/w3ctag/design-reviews/issues/666#issuecomment-901220221>,
>>> the syntax was updated, and @supports(font-tech()) feature was added to 
>>> CSS Conditionals 5 and keywords between these two features were harmonised.
>>> Alex wrote:
>>>> We discussed this at today's API OWNERs meeting and, while I realise I 
>>>> should perhaps be directing most of these comments at the CSS WG more 
>>>> broadly, I'm concerned that the bundle of features that this function is 
>>>> designed to support are not clearly articulated, which argues for an 
>>>> explainer and perhaps a TAG review.
>>>> Specifically:
>>>>    - What problems do the "variations", "palettes", and "incremental" 
>>>>    values address? There should be clear enunciation of those issues in an 
>>>>    explainer, a discussion of considered alternatives, and example code 
>>>>    describing how this specfic design best meets those needs.
>>>> The specification lists what the particular terms mean and what browser 
>>> font support they address:
>>> https://drafts.csswg.org/css-fonts-4/#font-tech-definitions
>>>    - tech(variations) then means that a UA understands the OpenType 
>>>    Variations functionality of this font resource.
>>>    - tech(palettes) then means that a UA can understand the CPAL color 
>>>    palette information in this font and is able to apply palettes to it 
>>> using 
>>>    font-palette CSS. 
>>>    - tech(incremental) is forward looking and means that the UA can 
>>>    load this resource if it understands incremental font transfer. I am 
>>>    personally open to not shipping this particular keyword until UAs start 
>>>    implementing incremental transfer
>>> Example code is in the explainer: 
>>> https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/blob/main/css-fonts-4/src-explainer.md#examples
>>> . 
>>>>    - Related, why is "tech()" overloaded for whatever those values do 
>>>>    as well as explict named technologies and sub-features?
>>>> Do I understand your question right: Are you asking why tech() combines 
>>> keywords that sound broader, and some that sound more specific to a 
>>> particular technology? I.e. variations vs. color-COLRv0? These keywords and 
>>> technologies are chosen as levels of font support that a UA may have. 
>>> OpenType Variations support is one are of technology support, then the 
>>> specific color font formats are other levels of support. I imagine they may 
>>> sound unrelated or wide vs. specific, but from the perspective of evolution 
>>> of font support in browsers, from my point of view they make sense as 
>>> a means to describe feature support of the text stack. Does that answer 
>>> your question?
>>>>    - Since we're going first, and the only group that seems to have 
>>>>    looked at this is the CSS WG, shouldn't there be a TAG review?
>>>> A TAG review was requested and concluded 
>>> <https://github.com/w3ctag/design-reviews/issues/666>, which resulted 
>>> in the updated syntax and the addition of @supports( font-tech() )  to 
>>> CSS Conditionals 5. 
>>> We are not the only ones shipping this: Firefox implemented and aims at 
>>> shipping this and @supports( font-tech() ) very soon in one of the next 
>>> upcoming releases, FF bugzilla #1786493 
>>> <https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1786493>. The feedback I 
>>> hear from Jonathan Kew, their font expert: This feature is a useful part of 
>>> shipping COLRv1 font support for selecting the right resource.
>>>> The CSS WG continues to work outside of our incubation and 
>>>> explainer-based model for feature development, and as a general matter 
>>>> it's 
>>>> not OK.
>>>> I realise this feature is hostage to a bad work mode and it isn't the 
>>>> developer's of this syntax's fault, but we need to break the cycle.
>>>> Future CSS features that do not incubate, center developer feedback 
>>>> (perhaps through OT), and show signs of incubation may also invoke delays 
>>>> from me.
>>> As the implementer of this feature in Blink, and as you're indicating in 
>>> your reply in terms of the audience of your feedback, I am not able to 
>>> extract actionable feedback from this part other than encouraging the CSS 
>>> WG to adopt this model or using it if I am driving a feature myself. Other 
>>> than that, am I missing something from this part?
>>> What do you exactly mean by "break the cycle" here? I do hope we can 
>>> proceed with this feature - as this is the second iteration after the TAG 
>>> review and earlier TAG and blink-dev feedback. 
>>> Dominik
>>> On Wednesday, August 31, 2022 at 8:52:02 AM UTC-7 Philip Jägenstedt 
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> On Wed, Aug 31, 2022 at 4:11 PM Yoav Weiss <yoav...@chromium.org> 
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> On Monday, August 29, 2022 at 3:09:39 PM UTC+2 Dominik Röttsches 
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> (re-sent from @chromium.org address)
>>>>>>> Contact emailsdr...@chromium.org
>>>>>>> ExplainerNone
>>>>>> I think that a short explainer outlining exactly what you're planning 
>>>>>> to ship here and how you're expecting developers to use it would be 
>>>>>> helpful. Can you add one? (potentially even inline, if it's rather short)
>>>>> Perhaps a small edit to 
>>>>> https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/blob/main/css-fonts-4/src-explainer.md
>>>>> to say what this is for and give an example?
>>>>> Some text from 
>>>>> https://drafts.csswg.org/css-fonts-4/#ex-color-if-supported could be 
>>>>> lifted. Spelling out what the different keywords in tech(keyword) do in 
>>>>> plain language would be helpful.

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